Where Do I Send Locks of Love Hair?

Where Do I Send Locks of Love Hair?

When you’re ready to donate your hair to Locks of Love, you’ll be glad to know that it’s super easy! All you need to do is gather the following materials and mail them in one package to Locks of Love’s donation address.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Your 8-14 inches of donated hair
  • A complete Hair Donor Form (found on the Locks of Love website)
  • A clear plastic bag or Ziploc bag
  • A small ponytail holder or rubber band

Once you have all these items, simply mail them off in a package addressed to the following:

Locks of Love, 234 Southern Blvd., West Palm Beach, FL 33405.

That’s all there is to it! Donating your locks of love hair is an incredibly simple act that can immensely impact those in need. So don’t hesitate—to take action and turn your haircut into a long-lasting gift!

Where is locks of love in Michigan?

You’ve made the decision to donate your hair to Locks of Love – congratulations! Now that you know that you’ll be donating, it’s time to figure out where to send your hair.

If you’re in Michigan, it’s easy to find a Locks of Love donation site near you. There are several salons and barbershops throughout Michigan (and the US!) that accept donations, as well as multiple donation centers.

To find a venue near you, the most straightforward way is to go online and search for ‘Locks of Love donation Michigan.’ This will give you a list of venues (including salons, barbershops, and donation centers) located in your area. You can then contact them directly to find out more details about their specific requirements and what they need from donors.

It’s also worthwhile checking with your own salon or barbershop directly – they may even provide a donation kit if they participate in the program! In most cases, salons will cover the cost of shipping when donating on behalf of their clients.

By finding out exactly what is needed for your donation and where you can donate it locally, you can make sure that your locks are helping those in need as quickly — and easily — as possible!


Where is locks of love in New Orleans?

Did you know that Locks of Love is based in New Orleans? If you’re in the area, it’s as simple as dropping off your hair donation at their office.

You can find their office address at [locks of love location], but here’s a quick summary:

  • Physical address: 24_15 N Rampart St, New Orleans, LA 70117
  • Phone number: 504-373-0800
  • Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 9 am to 5 pm CST.

It’s best to call or email ahead to set up an appointment or just let them know you’re coming. You can also email them at [locks of love email], and they’ll guide you through the donation process.


Where is locks of love in Atlanta?

Another great question is: where do I send my Locks of Love hair donation in Atlanta?

First and foremost, there are a few great places to check out and get started with donating your hair. Here are a few of them!

Local Salons

There are many salons around the Atlanta area that accept donations of hair, so it’s worth making a few calls and doing some research. Most salons require at least eight inches of hair to donate and will have specific requirements. You can even ask if they have any partnerships or initiatives going on with Locks of Love.


You can also mail in your locks to Locks of Love directly, but make sure you follow their guidelines for hair donations! For instance, you want to send your donations as soon as possible after cutting it and make sure to use an envelope that’s six inches by nine inches or larger. Be sure to include your full name and address inside the envelope so that you’ll get a confirmation receipt from the charity.

Online Appointments

If you’re looking for more convenience, Locks of Love has a large directory of affiliate locations throughout the United States, including some in Atlanta. A quick search on their website will help you find one near you, as well as show you if they’re taking online appointments right now. Whether it’s through mail or in person, donating your hair is a great way to give back while also looking (and feeling!) fabulous!


Where is locks of love in El Paso Texas?

Great question! Even though Locks of Love is a nationwide organization, their main headquarters are located in Florida. But luckily for El Paso, Texas donors, there is an official affiliate organization called The Little Flower Foundation (also known as HairPeace) that accepts hair donations.

The mission of the Little Flower Foundation is to “provide hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children and adults suffering from long-term medical hair loss.” All of the donations they receive stay within the El Paso region and benefit local children in need.

How do you donate? To donate your hair to The Little Flower Foundation / HairPeace, you will need to cut it and secure it in a ponytail or braid. After that, simply send your donation (including an address label) via postal mail. Make sure you also include your name and email address on the note so they can send you a thank-you letter when they receive your donation.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to give back right here in El Paso, consider donating your hair to The Little Flower Foundation!

Where is locks of love Louisville Kentucky?

You might be wondering where you can send your Locks of Love hair donation if you live in Louisville, Kentucky. Fortunately, there are a few local places that have partnered with Locks of Love to accept donations.

The Doo Grocery & Clothes

The Doo Grocery & Clothes is the only official drop-off location in Louisville for Locks of Love. The store is located near the University of Louisville and has been collecting donations since 2018. You can drop off your clean, cut hair at the store during their normal business hours (10 am-7 pm Monday through Saturday).

Other Locations

There are also several salons in and around Louisville that accept Locks of Love donations. These include Shear Transformation, Southern Solutions Salon & Spa, Snip It Hair Studio, and Glamorous Hair Studio. You can contact these salons directly to schedule an appointment to donate your hair.

Remember: the ideal Locks of Love donation is at least 10 inches long and in a ponytail or braid when dropped off or mailed in (more details about mailing requirements can be found on their website). So do a little research to see if there’s a local place that accepts hair donations near you!


Making a hair donation is more than just a gesture of kindness; it’s a way to show your support for those who are facing a life-changing medical battle. From easy-to-follow donation guidelines to the assurance that your donation will be put to good use, Locks of Love has made it simple to make a difference.

By supporting Locks of Love and donating your hair, you’re helping restore the confidence of a child experiencing severe medical hair loss. That’s an entity cause that we can all get behind. So don’t hesitate to donate your hair today and help make a difference in someone’s life.

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