How do I apply products to curly hair

Top Do’s and Don’ts for Your Curly Hair Routine

Are you struggling to manage your curly hair? Is your hair lacking in volume or curl definition? You might have spent a lot of time, money, and effort only for your curls to go back to square one. We completely understand your struggle and are here to help. The perfect routine is not as elusive as you think. Here, we will be sharing the do’s and don’ts of curly hair styling.

How do I wash curly hair?

Believe it or not, the foundation to a great style is a proper cleanse. When you jump in the shower, you should be mindful of how you wash your curly hair. The best technique is to thoroughly cleanse the scalp and hair to remove any buildup that could weigh the hair down. Only apply conditioner to the middle and ends of the hair. Be careful not to get conditioner in the roots because it could weigh your hair down. These steps are important later on to achieving maximum volume and definition in your curls. If you are unsure about how to properly wash your hair, consult your stylist. Ensure that you are also getting your new do in style with one of Mane Caper’s high-quality salon capes! With a wide range of colors and styles to choose from, you will come out of the salon looking and feeling good.

What products do I use for curly hair styling?

Looking for the right products to achieve your ideal style can be challenging and often intimidating. With so many products on the market, it can be difficult to determine where to start. To save time and money, you should look for water-based products. You want a product that is thin and lightweight in texture. Avoid using products that contain ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil. Unlike water-based products, shea butter and coconut oil can weigh your hair down tremendously, especially if your hair is fine. Usually, these types of products are thicker and higher in viscosity. Avoid using too many products since this can also weigh your hair down —the fewer products, the better.

How do I apply products to curly hair?

How do I apply products to curly hair

While having the right products is important to a great style, they are only half the battle. Technique is just as crucial to obtaining volume and definition in curly hair. The key is to encourage your hair to take shape in the way you want it to. Products help facilitate this step by enhancing your curls, but it is up to you as to how the curls will turn out.

Step 1: Slightly wet your hair

After you shower, make sure that your hair is slightly wet but not dripping wet. You want to avoid excessive moisture because it can make your hair heavy and difficult to dry. Your hair should be slightly wet so that it can absorb products.

Step 2: Apply the product to the middle and ends of your hair

When applying product, start in the middle and ends of your hair first. Slowly work it through your hair so that it is close to the roots, but not covering them. Applying the product directly onto the root or too close to the scalp will weigh the roots down, especially with fine hair. To know if you have enough product in your hair, squeeze it. You can tell if its saturated with product if you hear a wet or slight crackling sound. Try starting with a small amount first and adding more gradually if needed.

Step 3: Brush your hair away from the scalp

Brush your hair to distribute the product. However, don’t brush downwards. This can pull the curls from the root and make them stack on top of each other. Instead, split your hair into upper and lower sections to ensure that you don’t miss any spots. Clip the upper section so that it doesn’t get in the way.  Starting with the lower section, split your hair into smaller vertical sections and brush outwards and away from the scalp. Similarly, in the upper section of your hair, brush upwards and away from your scalp. By using this type of brushing technique, you can create more individual curl definition.

Step 4: Apply gel

After brushing, you will want to apply gel to your hair for curl definition. Put a small amount of product in your hand and scrunch it into your hair. This technique won’t get you near the roots, but you can apply some product to the roots if you desire. This step aims to define the outside of the curls and leave the roots with the least amount of product. Applying too much gel can cover your hair in a cast of gel, which prevents volume. Using a generous amount of gel and raking it through the hair can also discourage volume and definition.

As you can imagine, working on your hair can get a bit messy. You can make it easier to clean yourself up afterward by using one of Mane Caper’s capes, smocks, or aprons. Mane Caper makes it easier to personalize your styling routine with a variety of colors and styles. These will surely elevate your hairstyle and confidence!

Can I get volume and definition by air drying curly hair?

Can I get volume and definition by air drying curly hair

Yes, you definitely can! If you want volume and definition in your curly hair by air drying, you want to introduce movement into your hair. You will need to move around not just your body but also the hair itself. Avoid staying still for too long during the air-drying process. The most difficult part about air drying is being able to completely dry the roots. The ends dry before the roots because they are more free-flowing. As your hair is drying, gently flip your hair over the opposite way you want it to fall. Continue to flip different parts of your hair this way to enhance volume. Avoid touching the curls if possible. In short, your hair dries in the position it wants to stay. This is the last chance in the process to increase volume significantly, so take advantage of it while you can!

Finishing touches

After your hair is done drying, you can do some minor touch-ups to make your style even more stunning! You can soften the cast on your curls by breaking clumps of curls up very gently. This can be done when your hair is still wet to better avoid frizz. You can also fluff up the roots from underneath to give it that extra “oomph”. If any of the steps were not properly done, you might notice stiff and clumped-up curls and a more elongated style. There is nothing wrong with this style, but the hair is not living up to its potential in this way. Mane Caper is committed to the best salon capes, smocks, and aprons so that you can fully realize your potential in hair care.

Curly hair can be difficult to manage, but it doesn’t have to be. In this article, we walked you through the various steps and techniques needed to achieve maximum volume and definition. If you don’t put volume in right away, it is impossible to get it after. Products can only do so much for your hair, so it also highly depends on the technique. With enough practice, your curly hair will thank you for the care and attention you give it with our tips.