Tactical Guide to Growing and Taking Care of Long Hair

Living in the 90s

When I was growing up in my youth, with the risk of dating myself, I used to listen to Nirvana. This music put me in an mood that would adapt to any situation. And while many kids my age, at the time, had aspirations to finish college, get a career or perhaps open a business, I had a different goal. My goal was to grow my hair out like Kurt Cobain! I know, hey, it was a goal.

I was out to a good start in that I had good genes and was able to grow a fair large mane. This is when my journey to ultimate hair care began. Who knew I needed a map? I will share what I learned while on my trek of growing long hair.

Could this be true?

An old wives tale is that in order to grow the ultimate, fullest, most luscious hair, you must acquire the services of a cow. Now, I don’t know anyone that actually did this, but the old wives tale instructs to put the cow’s manure on your head! The fresher the better. This may be an urban myth but I heard it throughout my youth, so it must be true. I knew many a bald guy that pondered whether or not to go this steamy path.

Science is correct, but just in case

Mane Caper offers these tips in order to take care of your hair when you grow it out, and if it makes you feel better, we offer some tips to do just in case science is incorrect.


The truth is unfortunately, or fortunately for the cow, and your head, is that there is no method scientifically or medically to grow hair faster. We must simply wait for the growth to take place. There are however, ways in which to keep your hair healthy and methods in which to eliminate breakage.


I know its tempting to save on hair products and you would not pay a higher price for a potentially better product. But I am of the thought that in order to have a good head of hair, you don’t have to break the bank. Don’t skimp on your hair when it comes to you being informed. The fact is that there are inexpensive products in the market that your hair loves. Simply avoid ingredients in the products that sulfates and silicones that can dry your hair and make it brittle. Once hair becomes brittle, that when the dreaded split end makes an appearance.


Ever since I can remember guys have shied away from talking fully about hair, and their goals with it. As a result many guys have suffered by not having the pertinent information needed to grow their locks long and dazzling. I was kept away from knowing if a hair conditioner was necessary to grow hair or to even place it on your head. My journey in growing my long hair took me to the knowledge of knowing that conditioner is essential to locking in moisture in your hair. This is a crucial step in order to prevent split ends. These split ends seem to be the villain of long hair. If split ends are avoided, then you will be well on your way of having a long head of hair.


We previously talked about long hair having an enemy named the split end. There are other foes in your hair’s circle of acquaintances to avoid. The other villain is dryness. Many people may use a blowdryer to straighten their hair or simply to speed of the process after a shower. This may feel to be adequate but the results of adding heat to your hair is devastating to your goal of having longer hair. The added heat can cause some irreparable damage to your hair. The heat can cause breakage and also, the previous state split ends. Once split ends show up, this will make your entire head look unhealthy and unkept. The only solution at that point is to take two steps back in your process by cutting the damaged hair out.


All of this dryness and split ends may cause a bit of anxiety if your trying to grow your hair out. But Mane Caper is here to say “don’t be afraid of damaging your hair”. Comb your hair with a wide toothed comb. If your hair is wavy, curly or thick in any way, this may be the single most important tactic to keep in mind. When you use a wide-tooth comb on your hair this detangles the hair easier, but more importantly, if prevents yet another villain to pop up. The frizz and his cousin breakage!

Using a fine tooth comb may feel like its a better tool for the job but this comb is more aggressive with your hair and will likely do some damage.


Of course we’re going to say to visit your barber, but not just to insist that he use Mane Caper capes on you but also to discuss your hair goals with him. You will be surprised to know that most clients have a thought about their hair in their imagination but never share it with their barber. Sure you may show them the haircut you may want but if you have a set idea for your hair long term, this is something that must be said outloud to your hair professional.


We all love steamy hot showers. They are super relaxing, especially after a long days work and it tends to soothe your thoughts. If your hair could talk however, it wouldn’t be talking, it would be screaming at you “THIS IS TOO HOT!”. The ideal temperature for hair is luke warm water and not scalding water like we prefer. Hot water makes increases breakage while luke warm water locks in moisture on your hair and makes it happier.


While its easy to care on your merry way and do whatever you want. Having a long luscious set of hair takes a bit of awareness. The bulk of the work is done by your hair that is growing at its own pace, but if you follow these tactical steps, you will be surprised and extremely satisfied with the results, that even Kurt Cobain of Nirvana would be proud of!