Stopping Hair Loss

I have tried everything to stop my hair fall, but still experiencing it. The problem arises when the hair loss is too much that it leaves behind a visible scalp.

While discussing this topic with my friends, we started having all these questions, so I decided to research them. Some of you might have similar questions; therefore, I will try answering them in this article.

Does Zoloft cause hair loss?

Now, what exactly is Zoloft? It is a Sertraline under the brand name of Zoloft, which is an antidepressant.

Hair loss is one of the side effects of psychotropic drugs, especially mood stabilizers. It is difficult to know if the hair loss is due to this drug and not other factors. Moreover, there aren’t many studies done on this topic either.

On the contrary, hair loss is one of the strong side effects of Zoloft, so it can cause hair to fall out in people. Some people have hair loss after a month of using this drug, while others experience it within the first 2 weeks. However, you need to remember that the hair loss caused by antidepressants, like Zoloft is temporary and stops as soon as you stop taking the drug.

Is Hair Loss a Symptom of Cancer?; Can Cancer Cause Hair Loss?

Cancer is a horrible chronic illness and affects all parts of our body but does it affect our hair too? We have seen a lot of movies and TV shows that drill the idea that hair loss is one certain symptom of cancer, but how true is that?

You will be surprised to know cancer itself is not the reason for hair loss! However, hair loss does occur due to cancer treatments like radiation therapy, targeted therapy, stem cell transplant, and chemotherapy treatments. As these processes attack the cancer cells in your body, they also attack normal cells such as the cells in your hair root. Moreover, a lot of chemotherapy drugs also cause hair loss, but it depends on the medicine you’re taking, and it does not affect everyone the same way.

Can Hormonal Hair Loss Be Reversed?

Hormonal hair loss is a very big problem nowadays. Almost 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States experience hair loss due to hormonal problems or genes.

Most of the hair loss causes are hormonal imbalances, like high DHT levels and low estrogen and progesterone levels.

The answer is yes; you can reverse hair loss as long as you start early. The doctors can prescribe drugs that help restore the hormonal balance if that is the main cause of your hair loss. Furthermore, changing lifestyle is also very effective, like having a healthy diet, exercising, and reducing stress to bring hormonal levels back on track. Not only will this stop the hair fall, but it will also replace the old hair loss, thus reversing the hair loss.

Can Hair Loss Be Reversed?

We know that hair loss due to hormonal imbalance can be reversed if treated early. But what about other types of hair loss? Can they also be reversed?

Yes, just like hormonal hair loss, you can reverse all hair loss types if you start early and take proper medication. Other ways to reduce and reverse hair loss are reducing stress, exploring different treatment options, and changing hair care products. As soon as you start noticing signs of baldness like a receding hairline, you should contact a dermatologist to stop the hair loss and reverse the lost hair immediately.

What can cause hair loss in a child?

Children, in most cases, are healthier than adults, so they are not supposed to have hair loss, right? Doesn’t hair loss increase as you get older?

Firstly, hair loss in children is just as common, just like in adults, but it is different. Secondly, hair loss in children is mostly because of the following reasons:

  • Scalp ringworm: It is a contagious fungal infection of the skin. This causes red, patchy, and itchy spots to appear on the scalp.

  • Alopecia areata: This causes the body’s immune system to attack hair follicles. It has no cure, but you can manage. Please consult a professional and get treatment for it.

  • Trichotillomania: This is pulling your hair due to anxiety, but hair can regrow as soon as they stop.

  • Traction alopecia: This happens when the scalp experiences long-term tension or pulling, mostly due to tight ponytails.

  • Nutritional deficiency: When children don’t get enough vitamins, minerals, and proteins, their hair can fall out.

  • Telogen effluvium: It is a type of temporary hair loss that occurs after a traumatic event.

Also, when cutting a child’s hair, you can use our kid’s cape.

Can lice cause hair loss?

Lice are a type of insect known as a parasite, they need human blood to survive, so the head lice live on the human scalp to survive and lay eggs. They affect mostly school-aged children as they can transfer from one head to another. But can these parasites cause hair loss?

Luckily, the presence of head lice is not a cause for hair loss. Because head lice need the warmth of the hair’s scalp and protective layer to survive, it would be counterproductive for their life cycle to cause the human host to lose their hair. They can not survive on a bald head, anyways. However, head lice can cause stress and lead to thinning of hair, making them easier to break.

Even though it is rare, treatment shampoo can cause hair loss if they have strong chemicals that cause dry scalp. Therefore, head lice are not a direct reason.

When shampooing the hair with lice shampoo, make sure to wear an apron-like this apron, with a collar.

Can hair loss cause depression?

If you have read so far, you know that anxiety and depression can contribute to hair loss, but it can also cause anxiety and depression, so what comes first? Is it a vicious cycle that keeps on repeating?

Hair loss is connected to a decrease in self-esteem and feelings of attractiveness. Especially in women, as it was found that about 40% of women with alopecia have had problems in their marriage as a result. This is because hair is seen as a sign of femininity and sexuality in women. The only way to stop this cycle is to see a professional and determine the actual cause and get help. Moreover, going to a stylist to get a new hairstyle can help boost your confidence as well.

Can diabetes cause hair loss?

Diabetes is a very prevalent disease; more than 34 million Americans have diabetes. So, it’s a common question that people might have, can diabetes cause hair loss?

Diabetes can interrupt the life cycle of your hair and slow it down. It can also cause hair loss, not only on the head but all over the body. Since it also slows the life cycle of hair, when hair grows back, it is much slower. Not only that, people with diabetes are more likely to have alopecia areata. Other ways diabetes causes hair loss is by causing stress which makes your hair fall out, or as a side effect to the medication you take. In short, yes, diabetes can cause hair loss.

Can dandruff cause hair loss?

Dandruff is a very common problem, and it causes the skin on your scalp to flake. It is not contagious or dangerous and can easily be cured. But does it cause hair fall?

Now, dandruff doesn’t directly cause hair loss, but if a yeast infection causes it, it can weaken the hair root and cause hair fall. However, it is very rare and only happens when dandruff is left untreated. The most common reason dandruff might cause hair loss is when it causes an itchy scalp, so you scratch it and cause hair to fall out. Luckily, it is very easy to cure once you get a proper diagnosis!

If you are someone who is experiencing hair loss at the moment, remember that it can always grow back with effort and medication. In addition to that, talk to someone who understands that you don’t feel alone while suffering from a very widespread condition.

Make sure to rock your hair with a cool style, such as by wearing our bling jacket. Also, make sure to check out our Mane Caper store.