Should I cut my hair short

Should I cut my hair short?

Are you confused about whether to cut your hair short or just keep it long as it is? It can be a tough decision to make, especially if you’re cutting your hair short for the first time ever. After all, you don’t know whether the short hair will suit you or not.

Mane Caper’s capes will never disappoint, but if you don’t remain careful before deciding to go short with your hairstyle, it can indeed be a very disappointing and regrettable decision. To avoid such a decision, lets discuss points you should consider when deciding whether you should cut your hair short or not.

Do you want to cut your hair short because you think it will make you look younger

Do you want to cut your hair short because you think it will make you look younger? 

No matter what others tell you, keep in mind that age has nothing to do with the length of your hair. Many people believe that shorter hair will make you look older when it can be just the opposite if cut in the right way.

Emphasis on the “right way.” The right way is when you cut your hair in the right shape and place the volume in the right place, making everything balance perfectly with your face shape.

In fact, some stylists would recommend you to cut your hair short at a certain point, and that’s because hair length determines the layering. The more your hair gets farther from your neckline, the harder it becomes to support certain kinds of layers. Since age can change your hair’s texture, you might find that it no longer has the same volume as it used to. This is why you might have to layer your hair.

But if your hair is very long, the texture might become such that it doesn’t allow that kind of layering. As a result, even if you think you have long hair that is supposed to make you look younger, you instead end up with an improperly shaped hairstyle that only makes you look older. Not even Mane Caper’s amazing capes will be able to help you in that case.

Did you take your own comfort into account while making the “short hair” decision?

In fact, your comfort zone is what matters the most when it comes to choosing the length of your hair. Even if there is a certain haircut that looks great on you and is shaped in the best way possible if you don’t feel confident while in it, it becomes completely irrelevant. However, we would like to believe that nothing could ever make Mane Caper’s capes irrelevant to the slightest!

So you must figure out your comfort zone. How short do you want to go? How long do you want to keep it? Ask yourself these questions. And once you have determined your comfort zone, you can have an overall idea about the exact length you want for your hair, and then your stylist can look through what options you have in that length.

Have you determined your comfort zone and decided to really try something within a short hair length? 

Then now, you can start looking for photos and ideas to take inspiration from. Find a look that you love, a shape you think will suit you, or a style you feel connected to.

It doesn’t really have to be a specific kind of style either. It can just be a length you want, or a certain type of bangs you’re interested in, or the sides. It can also be what you don’t like and want to avoid. That way, you can figure out a rough idea of the direction you want to take with your hair.

Did you consider whether the texture of your hair will work out for the style you want? 

Just like how Mane Caper’s capes come in different colors and designs, our hair comes in different textures. Your hair texture has to match the determined length, or it won’t look good on you.

For example, if you have curly hair, a pixie haircut might not be the best look for you, even if it looks good on the people from the photo inspiration. If your hair’s texture obviously won’t go with the style you want, or if your stylist tells you so, you, unfortunately, have to give up on this dream.

Are you still unsure about whether to cut your hair short or not?

In that case, ask yourself this question — Do you wear your hair up most of the time? If your answer is yes and you usually like to keep your hair pulled back, then ask yourself why.

Maybe it’s simply because it’s easier for you to work without your hair getting on your face, or maybe because you like the versatility of it In that case, do you still like to wear it down occasionally? If yes, then maybe there is no need for you to go short. Long is just fine!

However, if you like to keep your hair pulled back because you don’t like how it looks when it’s worn down or don’t feel comfortable in length or just find it annoying, then maybe short hair will be the right option for you!

Finally decided to have short hair cut?

In that case, let me introduce you to the main concern about having short hair—the maintenance.

If your biggest reason for going short is that you think it will require less maintenance, then just know that it’s not always the case. Especially if you’re the kind of person who likes to air dry their hair and pull it up right after, then after getting short hair, your work might increase. This is because short hair might need some extra blow-drying and styling.

However, if you’re someone who takes a long amount of time styling their long hair, then cutting it shorter will definitely reduce your workload. Basically, it depends on your current relationship with your hair about whether the amount of maintenance you need for your hair will increase or decrease. You should consider either before going short.

Moreover, remember that you might need to go to the salon more often after you’ve decided on a certain hair length. Usually, the increase in the length of long hair isn’t easily noticeable and also doesn’t affect the style until months later, but the same can’t be said for short hair.

If you’ve decided to go shoulder-length, you will look yourself in the mirror a month later and find that it has already gone a bit below your shoulders. In that case, if you want to go back to the older length, you might need to make another visit to the salon. So take into consideration whether you’re willing to handle more frequent maintenance with your short hair.

Now you have an idea about all the things you need to consider before getting that haircut. Unlike how hard it is to decide whether short hair is right for you, deciding whether Mane Caper’s high-quality capes are genuinely effective or not isn’t that hard. If you finally decide to go short, then good for you! And if you don’t, then good for you as well! Whatever hairstyle you love for yourself is the best hairstyle, after all.