Remodeling Your Barbershop

To totally change the image of your barbershop and start something new, you will need to remodel it. Sadly, remodeling your barbershop can take a lot of money and time if you don’t prepare for it beforehand. Therefore, having a plan is essential along with a budget, and for that, we have this article to make the job easier for you. If you follow this guide, you can remodel your barbershop within a week, that too in your budget.

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How do you renovate a salon?

Remodeling your barbershop is important to ensure your barbershops do not look old and dirty. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to change everything; identifying the problems and fixing them alone can give a whole new look. Here are some steps and tricks to make remodeling easy.

  1. Permits: Firstly, you need to see if you need permits to remodel your barbershop or not, and if you do, then you need to get this out of the way before getting started. If you need permits, you should remodel step by step, starting with one thing and making sure it passes the inspection. If you do everything and then remember this, it can end up costing a lot in every way!

  2. Cost: Then, you need to search and break down all the money you will have to spend. This includes new equipment and the cost of contractors. Once you know how much it takes, you can jump onto the next step.

  3. Budget: After you know how much it costs, you can finally decide upon the amount of money you want to spend on each thing. The budget will vary on the quality of the equipment and products you choose, but you should still have some cash that you will put aside for the remodeling. Make sure to have money saved a little over your budget so you can deal with unexpected expenses.

  4. Return on the investment: You also need to make sure you know how the investment will pay off in the long run; of course, you will not know it 100%. You should also know how long it will take to earn back all the money that you spent on remodeling. Usually, remodeling can cause an expected increase in business by 20% by bringing new clients to your shop.

  5. Simple things: If there are some things like painting small areas, do it yourself. This will hugely help you cut costs. Moreover, you can also do other fixing works yourself or help from a friend, family, or an employee.

  6. Hiring workers: Of course, you should try to cut down on cost, but when you are working on important construction like plumbing, electrical, or HVAC, make sure to hire a pro. The money you saved on doing things yourself should be used on these important parts.

What is the cost of remodeling your barbershop or salon?

The cost of remodeling your barbershop entirely depends on the quality of the services and products you hire or buy. However, some things will take money while remodeling, so you can decide how much to spend on each part.

  • The basics: Plumbing, electrical, drywall, flooring, painting, and construction demolition

  • Other construction costs: Signage, window treatment, furniture installation and demolition, and permits

  • New furniture: Barber and dryer chairs, shampoo units and cabinets, stools, barbering stations, color stations and chairs, dispensary, reception desk, retail area, and reception furniture.

Now, you can decide the things you need to change in remodeling and how much they cost in your area. Make sure to ask several people, browse through several websites, and look for cheap deals to get everything done within a budget. A good budget will include all these costs plus a little extra for unexpected costs.

How do I renovate on a tight budget?

Remodeling your barbershop can cost tons, especially when you have a tight budget. So, here are some tricks to help you save money.

  • Cleaning: The best and easiest way to remodel your barbershop is too deep clean it. With this step, your barbershop can feel totally new, which is relatively cheap as well. You can hire professionals or even do it yourself with friends. A commercial cleaning service can get to every dirty corner. Also, wax your floors and change light bulbs. This alone will improve the look of your barbershop by a lot.

  • DIY some easy things: Yup, as mentioned above, try to do some renovation on your own, like painting, waxing floors, and simple tiling jobs. Moreover, you can learn to do a lot of things online as well or get simple DIY help from friends for a beer.

  • Bargaining: Never underestimate the power of bargaining. You can bring the cost down by a lot by simply bargaining. Shop at auctions where you can bargain and always look for sales.

  • New products: Instead of changing everything, you can just bring a few new products. Have the best retail products and change your display style, so people notice it. This is a small change but can give a new outlook to your shop. You can also introduce a few new services that go with time.

  • Long-term saving: Look for ways that will save money in the long term, like solar panels, good quality insulation, and LED lights. These things might pay off in the long run and end up saving a lot of money. Only focus on things that you absolutely need for renovation.

  • The door: Sounds silly, but a barbershop door is what people see first before entering. This means your door is very important for marketing. Thus, changing the door and having a new and good-quality door can give a whole new look. Clean it and add more things to get the attention of passersby.

What things should you renovate but will have the biggest impact?

Here are three things that can make a huge change in your basic barbershop and give it a whole new look.

  1. Painting: If you decide to change the color of your barbershop, this will totally change the look. You will need to rip out all furniture and start from scratch, which can be hard, but it is better than cleaning paint off of things afterward. If you do it yourself, make sure to buy enough paint, a paint that can be wiped and cleaned, and buy expensive brushes and rollers. Moreover, paint the ceiling before the walls.

  2. Ceiling tiles: You can do this job on your own too. If your ceiling tiles are dirty, it can be a huge turn-off for customers. So make sure to paint over and clean the ceiling tiles. Use drop ceiling tiles as they require little maintenance. You can search anywhere, learn how to remove the tiles, clean them, and paint them over. If some tiles are damaged, then buy new replacements from the hardware store or the old seller. Make sure also to use latex paint to paint over them and then simply reinstall them.

  3. Plumbing: The plumbing system needs to be changed after some years before it starts acting up. You can extend the life of your plumbing system by regularly maintaining it, by calling local plumbers who can check it. It might take a while to replace the plumbing system, so you need to make sure to have plenty of time for this, so you don’t waste too much time. The cost of a new plumbing system will be a lot, but this is a long-term investment.

How do I hire subcontractors for my salon renovation?

Hiring subcontractors that are within your budget and know what they are doing is important. Here are some ways to get the best deal.

Bring two to three tradesmen from the same field like electrician, plumber, and drywall contractor. And ask them the price for the construction. Write it down and make sure to ask about all the hidden costs by asking the absolute total cost of their work.

Cheap isn’t always better, so make sure to see their references and recent work and talk to the people they have worked for. This way you can be sure that the ones you hire won’t disappoint you at the last moment.

In conclusion, remodeling your barbershop is essential to be done every 3 to 5 years. If your barbershop is way too old-fashioned, it will not bring on new customers who want more up-to-date services!

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