
Is a Brazilian Blowout Bad for Your Health?

Brazilian blowout solutions contain a few ingredients that have health risks. As this treatment is becoming more popular, people are becoming more health conscious, and concerned authorities are talking about the risks. Many questions have been raised regarding it.

As with all other chemical-based hair treatments, Brazilian blowout also has a few health risks. Like, the solution used in this treatment contains a cancer-causing ingredient named- formaldehyde. This is quite concerning, and many activists and advocates have been raising their voices against it for years. The good news is, nowadays, most of the renowned brands are using formaldehyde in a lesser portion than before, at least not more than 10%.

A few other harsh chemicals are also found in Brazilian Blowout solutions, which may cause headaches, nausea, or skin irritation for some people. But if you do a patch test before applying the solution to your scalp and choose the most suitable solution for yourself, then these minor side effects can be avoided.

You might have to ignore such facts to get smooth hair in no time. The truth is, there are so many other things we use in our daily life. So, ultimately- what is risky and what is not is answered only based on the knowledge we currently have.

Are Brazilian blowouts toxic?

Yes, it slightly is, as this is a chemical-based treatment. It contains such ingredients which may cause an allergic reaction in some people. Also, it includes formaldehyde, which was listed as a cancer-causing chemical by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration back in 1987. So, it is a proven fact that Brazilian blowout has a dark side. It is toxic and has health risks for both consumers and saloon employees.

Some people have also experienced headaches, nausea, or skin irritation during or after the treatment. Such incidents are not quite common, though, as saloons are very careful about this.

You cannot completely exclude ingredients like formaldehyde from the Brazilian blowout solutions yet, but what you can do is be as careful as possible, choose the most suitable solution for your health condition, do a patch test before applying the solution to your scalp, and get the treatment done by someone professional.


What is a safer, Keratin or Brazilian blowout?

If you are concerned about health risks and hair damage, then keratin treatment is definitely the safer option compared to a Brazilian blowout. Keratin is also a chemical-based treatment, yet it consists of a lesser amount of harmful chemicals than a Brazilian blowout. For example- Brazilian blowout solutions have ingredients like formaldehyde, and no such concerning chemicals have been found in Keratin solutions to date. Keratin treatments are healthier for your hair as well.

Everything has pros and cons, including these hair straightening treatments. In the context of safety, Keratin seems safer. on the other hand, in longevity, price, after-treatment care, and a few other sections, Brazilian blowout wins.


What is a safer alternative to the Brazilian blowout?

There are so many other treatments that provide similar results as the Brazilian blowout, such as the Keratin treatment or Japanese straighteners. All of these are chemical-based and have health risks. If you are looking to change the natural structure of your hair, then no treatment is totally safe. For chemical changes, chemical ingredients are needed; that’s obvious. Keratin is less dangerous than Brazilian blowout.

But if you do not have to change the natural structure of your hair and are looking for a suitable option to make your hair look nicer, shinier, and healthier, then you should go for hair smoothing treatments. Smoothing treatments are safe for your health and do not damage your hair, instead make it even healthier than before.


Which hair treatment is least damaging?

There are various types of hair treatments, some of which change your hair structure, and some do not. Some change the hair structure semi-permanently, and others just stay for a few hours. Those treatments which use harsh chemicals or heating tools are definitely the most damaging, although only those can change the hair structure significantly.

The most popular semi-permanent hair straightening treatments are keratin treatments, Brazilian blowouts, and Japanese straighteners. Among them, the Keratin treatment is regarded as the safest because it employs the fewest chemicals when compared to others. But if you are searching for something more natural and 100% safe, then hair smoothing treatments, which use only natural ingredients, would be best for you.


Which Brazilian blowout does not contain formaldehyde?

As most people are now concerned about the presence of formaldehyde in Brazilian blowout solutions, many renowned brands have started claiming that their solutions do not include formaldehyde anymore. However, for the majority of those brands, such claims have been found to be false, as research on their solutions has revealed the presence of formaldehyde. The good news is that formaldehyde use has declined significantly over the years. Nowadays, nearly 10% formaldehyde is used in those solutions, which is less concerning than before. Check the ingredient list and look for the FDA logo on the package before buying your Brazilian blowout solution. Also, discuss your concern with someone professional before heading to get the treatment done.

We sincerely hope that this article was informative and helpful enough for you.

Read more about the Brazilian blowout.

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