How to Know if Your Flaky Scalp Is Dandruff or Just Dry

How to Know if Your Flaky Scalp Is Dandruff or Just Dry

Have you started noticing white or yellow flakes in your hair? Is your scalp itchy? Neither of these symptoms are pleasant to experience and are likely to cause some worry. But how can you tell if it is dandruff or dry scalp? They are both very similar conditions, but the root cause is different. Continue reading on to find out the differences between dandruff and dry scalp and how you can effectively treat them.

Is my scalp dry or is it dandruff?

When you first saw the flakes on your scalp, you most likely thought it was dandruff. This is commonly misdiagnosed due to the misconception that flakes on the scalp are indicative of dandruff. While it causes flakes, it also involves an oily, itchy, and red scalp. On the other hand, dry scalp occurs when there is inflammation that results in dry flakiness of the scalp. What distinguishes dry scalp from dandruff is that dry scalp doesn’t produce as much oil and is not hydrated enough. The flakes are also not as prominent. Dry scalp is often caused by excessive washing, irritation from hair products, sunburn, or cold air.

What causes dandruff?

What causes dandruff

Dandruff, also known as seborrheic dermatitis, is usually caused by a microbe, a form of fungus found on everybody’s scalp. About half of our population reacts to this fungus that feeds off the oily flakes on your scalp. This can occur anywhere on your body that houses oil glands like your armpits or eyebrows. While it may sound a bit gross, it is completely normal. The fungus is usually kept in line by our immune system. Certain factors such as poor health, diet, or irritating hair products, can trigger dandruff. When dandruff worsens due to age, hormones, or stress, more oil and more fungus can cause itching and more flaking. Your scalp compensates for this by producing more skin cells, worsening the flakes, itching, and inflammation.

How do you get rid of dandruff?

To effectively treat dandruff, you can use topical treatments with anti-fungal agents. Some examples of treatments include zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, and climbazole. These ingredients can be found in over-the-counter dandruff shampoos. Other treatments you can try on your own are omega 3 and vitamin D supplements, tea tree oil, and meditation. This last suggestion may or may not surprise you. Stress can indeed cause dandruff. Putting yourself in the right mindset and reducing your stress will improve your scalp significantly. Not only do you want to be directly treating the dandruff, but also make sure that other parts of you are healthy enough to facilitate healing and prevent more dandruff. If you do not see improvement, it is best to seek out professional advice from your dermatologist for your specific needs. They can correctly determine whether you truly have dandruff or another underlying condition causing these symptoms. Other diagnoses they may consider during your visit with them are eczema and psoriasis. If it is dandruff, they may prescribe stronger anti-dandruff shampoos and leave-in scalp treatments. Unfortunately, it is not curable. You may have to continue managing your symptoms in the years to come, but dandruff shouldn’t hinder your lifestyle if you are properly treating it. As you begin this journey to treating your dandruff, try one of Mane Caper’s products. Our smocks, aprons, and capes will prevent messes not only from topical treatments but also flakes from getting onto your clothing.

What clears up dry scalp?

What clears up dry scalp

Because dry scalp and dandruff are commonly mixed up, many people with dry scalp mistakenly use dandruff shampoo to treat their condition. In this case, dandruff shampoo won’t help. In fact, it could worsen your dry scalp. The key to treating dry scalp is by exfoliating and moisturizing. Before you go into the shower, take a brush and gently exfoliate your scalp with it. This helps to release the flakes and makes it easier to wash them out. You can also consider using Epsom salt to exfoliate your scalp. All you have to do is sprinkle some salt in your scalp when you have damp hair and massage it in. This is an effective treatment for dry skin and scalp but is not recommended for daily use. If the environment is playing a role in drying out your scalp, a humidifier may help. In general, avoid washing your hair too much, over-processing hair, using high-heat dryers, and using products that include alcohol.

Can I put moisturizer on my scalp?

It is not the best idea to put moisturizer directly on the scalp as you are only moisturizing the dead skin cells. The flakes will just sit there and will not do your hair any good. It may even cause dandruff because the moisturizer could contain oils and an environment optimal for fungal growth. Instead, opt for a gentle moisturizing shampoo that you can massage in your scalp and rinse all of the flakes away. Kill two birds with one stone by using aloe vera leaf or gel. It is known to have several benefits, including antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe dryness. Your hairstylist can even give your scalp a hand at your next appointment by performing a scalp treatment involving steam. Make sure that your hairstylist is also using one of Mane Caper’s smocks, aprons, or capes during your visit. We offer a wide range of products that can withstand just about any hair care needs in the salon.

Dandruff and dry scalp are difficult to distinguish at first but are easy once you have learned the key differences. Dry scalp is just like dry skin on any other part of your body. The scalp’s unique position requires you to treat it a little differently because you could be vulnerable to dandruff. Dandruff needs medicated treatments in order to tame the fungus eating the oils on your scalp. Both dandruff and dry scalp can be a nuisance, but with time and patience, they are easily manageable. Mane Caper can make managing your dandruff or dry scalp easier with our line of smocks, aprons, and capes. Our versatile products keep things fresh with unique styles and high-quality materials. Try them out today!