You have a full face but want short hair, how can you combine these two elements correctly? Let’s find out.

Do you have a round face and having short hair is terrifying to you? This is easily one of the top concerns of clients. Stylists also struggle to find solutions when their clients ask them this question. The majority of people stylist see have a round face. How can you combine your round face with a short cut? Let me explain how you can wear short hair regardless of the shape of your head or size of face. After I explain these strategies you will prefer short hair. Let’s take a deep dive into the world of hair illusion.

Is length of hair important?

Any length that is the same length as the chin will highlight the roundness of the face. I know many clients have had a bob shape or square bob. The choosing of the hair style can be full of anxiety. The actual execution of the style is even more anxiety ridden for the stylist. We can alleviate that anxiousness with this simple instruction. It is really quite simple when you keep in mind our theme of hair illusion. The length of the hair must be a bit longer than the chin. By leaving the length a little bit longer than the chin we create the semblance of length. If you leave the hair a bit longer, this will offset the curvature of the face. The eye is drawn to the crown past the chin. Pretty clever, huh? Probably equally as clever as all the different designs available on Mane Caper Capes. We have solid color capes or some with designs.

Is Where you place volume important?

Hair placement will fool the eye. It is extremely important to keep in mind the volume of the sides of the head. Any volume left on the sides will add width to the shape and keep that round shape. We don’t want to do that. We want to place volume in a strategic place. The place will be the crown or the top of the head. Here is where artistry comes into play and we have to have a balancing act when it comes to the sides and crown. The less hair we have on the sides, the more the crown is accentuated, the more the sides have the less the crown is highlighted. Here is where the stylists skills must shine. Which is great! Its a great challenge. The more volume on the sides, the flatter the top will look, so keep an eye out in order to continue the hair illusion.

How should you wear bangs?

Many clients wonder or even fear the use of bangs. Should you wear bangs if you have a round face or not? Can your full face accommodate the use of bangs? You can wear bangs with this understanding. A heavy, thick bang will emphasize your cheeks and will contribute to the roundness of your face. Having bangs is not off the table however. You absolutely can wear a bang as long as its thin and your forehead can be seen through the hair. This will not close off your face while still having the illusion of having a full bang. By having a thinner bang, this will emphasize the length of your face and not the squareness of your forehead. You can experiment by wearing a thinner bang, piece of your bang or a broken up bang. By using this less dramatic bang your face can still be open and your cheeks will not be accented. Here again, there is a balance of the density of hair that goes with your facial features and your personal taste. Your stylist can really shine here! So when it comes to bang or not to bang, we bang! We bang whenever we can!

How do you style short hair?

The name of the game is to throw the viewer off by an optical illusion. No, you are not going to wear extreme makeup or walk around with a circus mirror. What you are going to do is style your hair in a different way. What is the proper way to style your short hair? How do I create hair illusions? Mane Caper offers answers to these questions. Do you style your hair off your round face or bring hair forward? Some stylists pull hair back. By pulling the hair back this opens up the face. In doing so, this highlights the roundness of your face and makes your face more pronounced. 

Should I style short hair?

If you place your hair forward, you will cover your face and add more width to the sides that will make a fuller shape. If you bring hair into the face, it closes it and hides many features. The key here is to do what we learned in Sesame Street. We share, and everybody gets along. We share with the head by pulling hair back, and we share with the face by pushing hair forward. The important thing is balance and we place a little bit of hair back while also putting some forward. This creates the illusion of length. Regardless of the length of the hair being cut however, Mane Caper can accommodate with different color capes, chemical capes or styling capes. We have capes for kids or any kind of cape.

How do we strategically accentuate volume in your hair?

By placing volume in key areas, we can highlight the bone structure in the face. Where some mistakes are made is when certain areas are emphasized and not the structure. Some stylists highlight the cheek area instead of focusing on highlighting the cheek structure. This is pivotal because that tiny detail can lift the eye up and the face up. Another detail often missed is that volume is not created in the temple area. The temple region lies upward from the cheeks and creates the appearance of elongation. Having volume in the temple area will highlight the face structure. By simultaneously relieving volume from the sides and pushing hair upward into the crown will make anyone love a shorter hairstyle. By placing volume in the temple area, your hair will be free to follow your facial structure. This face-framing will allow the eye to be lifted up and your face will appear to be elongated.

Short Hair with a Round Face

If you were on the fence regarding whether or not to have short hair while having a round face, now you know. Have a sense of adventure and experiment. It will hardly be an experiment however if you follow these strategies. No need to fear once you’re armed with this knowledge. This is how you can rock that short hair and actually prefer it. If your stylist doesn’t have Mane Caper capes however, now we got a problem. They have to come take a look at what we have to offer. Using mane caper capes makes any head happy.

I told you everything revolved around capes.