How Many Natural Hair Types are There?

A lot of people think that they have one type of natural hair. In reality, there are different types. So, when buying hair products, it can be a confusing and frustrating experience. What type of hair do you have? Or how many natural hair types are there?

So, we created this guide to help you navigate the world of natural hair and find your perfect curl pattern. Whether you’re looking for curly or kinky hairstyles, this guide has got something for every single texture. Usually, there are four types of natural hair we can see.

  • Straight
  • Wavy type
  • Curly
  • Tightly curled

But how do you know your hair type? You need to figure out which type of hair you have so that you can treat it properly with the right products and care.

How Do I Know My Natural Hair Type?

Natural hair types vary from person to person. But there are ways you can determine your natural hair type. To begin, let’s start with the basics of what makes up a strand of hair. Hair is made up primarily of keratin protein.

Generally, straight hair refers to flat unbent hairs without any visible waves or curls at all. Consequently, when identifying your natural hair type, it is helpful to take note of its curl pattern and porosity. Is it curly or coily?

Curls tend to have less defined S-shaped curves than waves and form more gentle C shapes. Coils tend to be curlier and tighter than waves, while curls tend to have more defined spirals.

On the other hand, curly hair can range from soft ringlets that are barely noticeable when straightened (a common trait in Caucasian hair) to tight kinks. Individual strands hardly bend at all without breaking off (common among African and Afro-Caribbean people).

Porosity: Hair porosity is determined by how porous your natural hair type is. Lower porosity means less water penetrates the cortex of each strand. Therefore it becomes difficult for moisture/water molecules to enter through the cuticle layer. Higher porosity means water enters easily but also exits quickly through the cuticle layer.

So, will dying natural hair damage the hair types?

Will Dying Natural Hair Damage It?

It is a question that was asked by one of my friends who just began transitioning. She wanted to know if dying natural hair would damage the hair types, especially since she had bleached her hair previously. The answer is no.

Dying your locks won’t harm you unless you use harsh chemicals or dye too frequently. Many people advise against dying black women’s tresses because it may cause further breakage. However, this isn’t always true for everyone and should be evaluated on an individual basis.

Our personal experience has been positive with coloring locks. I saw minimal shedding when applying color to dry strands right before washing, but nothing major make me stop using box dyes entirely. Most importantly, remember not to box dye your hair within six weeks of getting a relaxer or other chemical service done.

However, do you know what the rarest type of natural hair apart from the usual one is?

What is The Rarest Type of Natural Hair?

The rarest type of natural hair is the curly afro. It is not to say that there aren’t people out there with this texture, but it’s less common than the other types. It should be noted that not all black women can have an afro because some are naturally straight or wavy.

Now let’s get to know about how you can grow your natural hair so faster.

How Does Natural Hair Grow Faster/ What Makes Human Hair Grow Faster?

Many factors could potentially affect the hair growth cycle. Some of them include family history, medical conditions you might be suffering from. Even what kind of environment you live in. All these things can contribute to how fast or slow human hairs grow.

However, there is one factor that everyone should know about before they start wondering why their natural hair type isn’t growing as fast as expected. It’s all about scalp health.

If the scalp isn’t healthy enough, it simply won’t produce good quality. This means no one will ever see it beautiful, not even yourself. For this reason, make sure to use only gentle shampoo daily. Avoid overuse for different chemical treatments, and always remember to give your hair enough time to rest between sessions.

Most importantly, don’t forget about natural oils that are produced by the scalp itself. They will help you maintain its optimal condition throughout the entire period of the growing out process. In most cases, it takes one year or longer. If you can manage to do all these things right, then there is no doubt that it will become even faster than expected.

Apart from growing, you can think of dying your hair without damage. How can you do that?

How can I dye my natural hair without damaging it?

When you dye your hair, the pigments are absorbed by the cuticle, which is damaged during chemical processing. It can cause dryness and split ends, among other things. Here are some natural home remedies to keep your colored tresses healthy:

  • Rosemary oil
  • Vitamin e oils
  • Aloe Vera gel
  • Coconut milk/olive oil mix
  • Chamomile tea rinse

To avoid hair damage when dying your hair, make sure you stay in the lines of your part. It will help prevent root damage.

When shampooing using cold water, it is highly recommended that you do not dye your hair more than once every three months. Because it can weaken the strands causing breakage.

Does Dying Your Hair Damage it Forever?

We know dying can make hair damage even worse, but dyeing your hair can also make it healthier. If you take the right precautions, dying your hair can be very beneficial.

When dying the hair with natural dyes like henna, coffee, or black tea, you’re strengthening and conditioning your locks. It doesn’t work that way if you use chemical dyes because they don’t provide any benefits to the strands.

We all want healthy tresses. So, using these types of coloring agents is worth considering. There are other benefits too. After application, henna coats each strand with a protective layer and reduces damage caused by blow-drying or styling tools.

So, why is natural hair important both for men and women?

Why is Natural Hair Important?

Natural hair is important. Because it’s beautiful, and it gives you a sense of pride. Moreover, it makes people feel good about themselves. It also has a lot to do with self-acceptance and being comfortable in your own skin.

On the other hand, knowing how healthy your hair is will tell you what kind of products should be used. This way, everyone can get their desired style without any stress or damage.

Suppose If you have curly wavy hair, then conditioners are best. If someone wants shiny, bouncy curls hair, they need different conditioner types even though they have the same hair type.

Why Natural Hair Shrinks?

The reason behind natural hair shrink is because of the cuticle. The cuticles are a protective layer, but when you relax or use heat on them, these protective layers are removed, and the cortex will come out.

Shrinking occurs because, during this process, some parts normally overlap and end up exposing themselves like an accordion. On average, 30%-40% of people deal with shrinkage. It is why it’s important to get regular touch-ups and protect your hair from heat damage.

But can natural hair recover from heat damage?

Can Natural Hair Recover From Heat Damage?

When you regularly blow out your hair for a straight look or apply heat using hot tools, it’s easy to see how damage can occur. Luckily, it is possible to recover hair from heat damage. The damaged portions of your hair will require some extra care and attention to grow back healthy again. However, after time you should see an improvement in the strength of your strands.

There are many treatments and chemical-free products that will help repair natural hair from this type of damage. You can also reduce the amount of damage you cause in the future by following a proper hair-care routine.

Blow out tips: Using high-quality products and tools, such as ceramic flat irons or rollers, will help prevent further heart damage. It is important not to use too much force when blow-drying your strands instead of focusing on applying gentle pressure with even strokes throughout.

Be sure to have some protection spray handy before using any heating tool. It will protect against excess heat exposure. To avoid damaging split ends, it’s best to trim off all damaged portions after four weeks.

How Can I Make My Natural African Hair Grow Faster?

  • Eat healthy, nutritious foods. Care for your hair inside and outside by eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A, B, C & E to help with growth.
  • Avoid saturated fats intake. It decreases blood circulation, including the scalp, where hair grows from.
  • Apply oil treatments regularly. Olive Oil has been proven not only as an effective moisturizer but also helps strengthen hair.
  • Detangle your hair without breaking or causing split ends.
  • Get plenty of restful sleep at least seven hours at night.

As there is a variety of natural hair, the key to determining what kind of natural hair you have is to pay attention to various characteristics your hair has. We all want healthy hair, and there are various steps to take in order to achieve this. The last thing is to make sure you get the nutrients your hair needs to grow healthy and strong.

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