
How Long After Brazilian Blowout Do I Wash My Hair?

As Brazilian Blowout has become a very popular hair straightening treatment over the years, you might also be curious about how long after Brazilian blowout do I wash my hair.

In Brazilian Blowout treatment, hair instantly absorbs the solution, so there is no washing restriction. You are allowed to wash your hair anytime after the treatment is done. But to get the best result, it would be better if you don’t use shampoo and get exposed to chlorine-mixed pool water and rain for three days after getting the treatment done. Just rinse the solution properly with lukewarm water once the solution is absorbed during the treatment. 

After that, try to avoid washing your hair for around 72 hours; otherwise, the outcome of the treatment might be hampered. Also, don’t overwash your hair even if you have done any sort of protein treatment, as overwashing will decrease the treatment’s effectiveness and won’t let the treatment last longer. So, you can wash your hair immediately but be concerned about what might happen if you do so. The solution will not be completely washed out, but washing will definitely affect the outcome and longevity of the treatment.

How Do I Maintain My Hair After a Brazilian Blowout?

Maintaining your hair after a Brazilian Blowout isn’t a very complicated task. Just maintain a few dos and don’ts, and you are good to go. Those dos and don’ts are mentioned briefly below to make your work even easier:

  • Only color your hair after getting this or any other protein treatment done; take at least a 3-week long break before coloring. Otherwise, the color would not look much flattering. But you can color your hair just before doing the Brazilian Blowout treatment. 
  • Avoid hair washing for three days after having a Brazilian Blowout treatment done. Also, try not to stay out while it’s raining. It may take your hair strands a while to absorb the solution completely. 
  • Avoid using too many styling products and gazettes during the post-treatment period. Using hair gels and hair sprays might damage your hair. Also, these aren’t needed, just go for a simple blow-dry, and your hair will look fabulous. 
  • Try to wash your hair less often cause this will help your hair to stay silky smooth for a longer period. Make sure to use proper aftercare shampoo as per your stylist’s recommendation, and always deep condition your hair after every wash.
  • Refrain from affecting the longevity of the treatment by exposing your hair too much to the sun or chlorine.  
  • Try to use a silk pillowcase while sleeping at night.


What Will Happen if I Shower After Brazilian Blowout?

If the treatment is done properly using the proper solution, nothing will happen if you shower after Brazilian Blowout. But washing hair instantly after the treatment might affect the treatment’s effectiveness. Also, washing the hair for too long or too often will reduce the longevity of the treatment. Another thing you should keep in mind is there is a risk of skin irritation while taking a shower for the first time after the treatment. 

In this treatment, the chemical-based solution is used, and all the available formulas may only suit some. To avoid such a situation, you should do a patch test before applying the solution. You will not face any side effects if the right formula is used. So, use the right formula to avoid risks and do not overwash your hair; use the proper shampoo, and do not shampoo wash your hair just after the treatment is done.


What happens to your hair after a Brazilian Blowout?

Brazilian Blowout straightens and smooth your hair. After you get the treatment, you will get completely straight, frizz-free hair. This treatment is the ultimate solution for extremely bulky curls. If you have very curly, frizzy, and unmanageable hair, then you should go for Brazilian Blowout, and the result will blow your mind. 

So, after a Brazilian Blowout, your hair will straighten semi-permanently and this will last for approximately 30 days. This is a very good, handy, and modern chemical treatment that can change how your hair looks for a long time. But this may also damage your hair in the long run.


What is safer Keratin or Brazilian Blowout?

Both Keratin and Brazilian Blowout treatments are protein treatments and give similar results. But in the case of safety, Keratin is considered better. Brazilian Blowout is more effective on extremely curly hair and less time-consuming compared to Keratin treatment. That’s why this treatment is becoming more and more popular day by day. 

But there is also a dark side to this treatment. So many harsh chemicals are used, and people might experience nausea, headache, skin irritation, and even burning in some rare cases. Although Keratin treatment is also chemical based, it is comparatively safer. Also, as formaldehyde is used in the formula of Brazilian Blowout, it may also be a reason behind causing cancer. So, none of these treatments are fully safe, but one is safer than the other, and you can avoid such risks by choosing the right formula by doing a patch test before applying. 


Does Brazilian Blowout still have formaldehyde?

Formaldehyde is a harsh chemical, which was listed as a cancer-causing chemical by the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration in 1987. Although Brazilian Blowout formulas started being produced after that, formaldehyde has always been a common chemical found in those formulas.

Nowadays, people have become concerned about that, and many brands are labeling their products as formaldehyde-free. But formaldehyde is still found in those Brazilian Blowout formulas. The good thing is, now, most of the popular brands are using formaldehyde in a lesser portion, at least less than 10%. You may still have to ignore this fact to get great-looking hair.

Read more articles about the Brazilian Blowout.

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