
How Can Parents Give Their Children a Haircut at Home?

Getting a haircut is a necessity, but it is not something that everyone can afford. Especially for kids, as they do not seem to care about the type of haircut they get. Therefore, if you want to get a haircut at home, it is an excellent practice technique as well and it will help save money too.

However, even if you are giving a cut to your child, it is best to be adequately prepared. Even children have self-respect and want to look good which is why here we will teach you how to properly cut your hair at home. If you are someone who wants to practice cutting hair at home, this is the perfect article for you.

What Are the Essential Tools and Techniques for a Successful Home Haircut?

Now, before getting started, you definitely need tools and some techniques. Knowing these things beforehand can ensure that the whole haircutting process is super smooth and effortless.

Here is everything you should gather beforehand.

Clippers and Clipper Guards

If you want shorter haircuts, especially for boys and men, then you need clippers. They work similarly to scissors, but you will need clipper guards as well. these clipper guards determine the length of the hair. The lower the number on the clipper guard, the shorter the hair that is left behind will be.


You, of course, need proper scissors. Just any scissors lying in your house with a dull blade will not work. You need scissors that are made specifically for cutting hair and are stainless steel with a sharp edge. This pair of scissors cut the hair cleanly and easily so there are no rough edges.


You definitely need a good-quality comb. There are many combs used for haircutting, but most of them are thin, with a section that is wide-toothed and a section with smaller sand narrower teeth. Some combs also have a narrow end that helps part the hair. So, choose one that fits your needs.

Cape or Towel

If you do not want the hair to go inside the shirt and stick to your neck, having a cape or towel covering your neck is essential. Some caps also have a section at the bottom that catches the hair that falls off, reducing the cleanup time.

Hair Ties or Clips

It is essential to have some hair ties and clips to section your hair. if you want the cut to be neat, you need to section the hair and cut it properly.

Spray Bottle with Water

During a haircut, it is important to keep the hair wet. This gives the precise length of the hair and makes it easier to cut the hair. therefore, when hair gets dry, a spray bottle with water will keep the hair wet.

Here are some techniques to keep in mind.

  •  Clean Head

Make sure to start with hair that is washed and clean to get the best haircut. Also, keep all your tools next to you.

  • Keep checking

During the haircut, make sure to take your time and check your progress as you go. Instead of rushing, go slowly and make sure you are doing the right thing in the mirror.

  • Make sure it is even

Sometimes, the hair on both sides is not even. So, make sure to check several times to ensure that the hair is completely even. If needed, go back to even both sides completely.

  • Style the hair

Even if you do not like the end result, try styling the new hair and it will grow on you. When hair is just cut, it will not look the best so style them and be patient.


How can parents address common challenges like restless children during home haircuts?

When getting your kid a haircut in a salon, they will fuss especially if it is the first time. However, even when you are trying to give them a haircut at home, they can still act restless. This is very bad when you are inexperienced at cutting hair yourself and can end in an injured kid.

So, how can you deal with this?

Identify the Sensitivity

Kids act restless and sensitive when they are feeling a negative emotion. Therefore, it is important to talk to them and ask them how they are feeling and acknowledge that. Talking about their feelings will help calm the child.

Choose Time Wisely

It is very important to select a time when the child is well-rested and well-fed. If you perform haircut during their nap time or when they are hungry, the child is bound to be fussy.

Offer Distractions

Kids get distracted easily so play them a song, and allow them to watch TV or their favorite show. This way, they should stay long enough for you to get the haircut.

Have Breaks

Make sure to allow your child to roam around after you are done with a section of hair, this way they can use up their energy. Also, offer them some reward, like a snack after you are done with a section so they are more inclined to stay still.


If the child is staying calm during the haircut session, encourage them and praise them. Also, stay calm during the haircut as children easily sense when their parents are anxious and will act accordingly.


What are the step-by-step guides for various kids’ haircut styles at home?

If you want to cut your child’s hair at home, YouTube is the best platform to learn from. But still, here are some simple haircuts that you can do for both boys and girls.

Simple Boy’s Haircut

For boys, using clippers is the best option. It is easy to use and requires dry hair.

  • Step 1:

Choose the clipper length; the shorter the length, the shorter hair left behind, so start with a longer length. Start from the back and move towards the round part of the head. Continue around the head.

  • Step 2:

Go all around the back, if you want longer hair on top, use clippers with longer hair attachments. If not, go all over with one attachment.

  • Step 3:

For the front, start with the hairline and go all the way. You should go back to check if you missed a spot.

  • Step 4:

Clean around the eras and neck and check to make sure the hair is even and you are done.

Simple Girl’s Bob Haircut

For this, you need clean, dry hair as well.

  • Step 1:

Part the hair, either in the middle or on the side.

  • Step 2:

Determine the length of hair that will be left behind and use clips or hair bands to tie the section you will be cutting. Tie it in two sections or more, depending on thickness.

  • Step 3:

Now, cut the hair below the rubber band and go around the head.

  • Step 4:

Make sure the cut is even and blend any harsh ends.


How can parents ensure safety and hygiene during DIY haircuts for children?

You have to make sure that the child is not allergic to any hair products and that you are using a booster chair, which will keep your kid still during the haircut to prevent injury. Just like this, there are many more safety precautions that you should take.

One important one is to use scissors that are safe for children’s haircuts, like safety scissors. It is also important not to rush through the process and to take your time, as being rushed can result in injury. Moreover, do not have distractions and pay full attention to the task at hand. If you follow these rules, you will stay safe.

What are some creative haircut designs that can be done at home?

Here is a list of haircut designs you can do at home with a bit of practice.

  • Dyed tips
  • Geometric shapes
  • Heart or star shape at the back
  • Mohawk
  • Razored or feathered effect
  • Undercut designs


There are many haircuts that you can do at home for your child. Many parents prefer to save money and time by cutting hair for their children by themselves. Hopefully, this article was very useful in answering some of your questions regarding this process.

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