Does A Hairstylist Have To Be Licensed?

Does A Hairstylist Have To Be Licensed?

Starting a business is no easy job and requires a lot of effort and planning. One such planning that needs to be done beforehand is getting licenses and permits from federal, state, as well as local governments. This again depends on the city and state that you chose to start the business in. Basically, this article will help you to solve all your problems related to permits and licenses, so keep on reading.

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How to get a hair salon license?

The first step to this procedure of licensing is to get a license. You must be wondering, but how do I get one?

The license requirements, as stated before, vary from place to place but usually, you need to do the following steps to get a license.

  • Go to a state-approved cosmetology training school

  • Go to a state-approved apprenticeship program

  • Gain hands-on hours practicing hairstyling, haircutting, and other salon related stuff like manicures, makeup, and much more

  • Pass a competency exam with appropriate marks

After this, you should get a license to run a salon. In total, you might need anywhere from 1000 hours to 2100 hours to get this license. But this license alone isn’t enough to run a business as you need many other licenses and permits as well.

What license do I need for a hair salon?

This section will talk about all the licenses you will need before owning a business of your own. This should be completed before you jump into owning a business, as these are legal requirements. Inability to fulfill these requirements has multiple punishments, and we don’t want that! Some licenses that you will need are:

License for business operation: This is a legal document that allows you to own and run a business, like a salon in your specific area. The process of getting this license varies from city to city, but you will be required to pay an application fee, give the owner’s name, give the business name, the nature of the business, and the place where you want to operate from. This license can cost anywhere from $50 to $400, excluding the processing fee.

  • Cosmetology license: As stated before, to start a salon business, you will need this license. Not only you but all your employees will also need this license. You are responsible for ensuring that all your employees have updated licenses. You must renew this license every couple of years. An inspector makes sure that everyone working has their license.

  • Selling retail license: If you want to have some products in your salon that you can sell, you also need a license to sell retail. However, there are some towns and places that don’t require this license. A seller’s permit is essential to selling stuff, and most salons make money through selling products, so it is better to have it. Moreover, this license is usually free of charge, although you will need a security deposit to cover any unpaid taxes.

  • Certificate of occupancy: This is usually needed by the local government and is issued by the building department that you start your business in. The reason for this license is to make sure that your property is following all regulations required for your business to run, basically to see if your property is fit for the business. This certificate is also required to close off on a mortgage when you construct a building. The certificate of occupancy also requires a charge of around $20 to $80, depending on the size of your property.

  • Federal Employer Identification Number: The EIN is required as your state collects tax on products that you may sell. You can do it free if you go directly to the office, but if you do online, it can cost around $75. You don’t need this if the state in which you operate doesn’t have a state income tax.

Do you need a license to run a salon?

As you already know that you need to have a license to run a business smoothly. Can you still run a business if you don’t have a cosmetology license?

The answer depends on the city, town, and state that you plan on working in. However, most states don’t require you to have a cosmetology license to open and run the salon. If you plan on treating your customers, then you will need this license. Furthermore, all your employees will need this license if they plan on working according to state law. You will need to prove to the state that all your employees have licenses in order for your business to start. Some of the licenses needed by the employees are manicurist, hairstylist, masseurs, and estheticians. However, it is more beneficial if you have a license of your own. Not to mention, you could earn your own money and help other employees out if you have a license of your own as well.

Permits for a hair salon; what permits do I need to open a salon; what permits do you need to open a hair salon

A permit is just as important as a license. To know more about the types of permits you need to start a salon, keep on reading.

  • Seller’s permit: As stated above, you absolutely need a seller’s permit if you plan on selling any product. This is especially beneficial in the long term as selling products is a great way of earning money in this business.

  • Fire department permits: Most of the time, this is required by the town that you work in, and it also has an annual fee that you need to pay. It is to ensure you follow all the fire department’s rules and regulations, such as having proper fire exits and signage, fire extinguishers, and smoke detectors.

  • Building permits: If you want to do any major or small renovation to the building or property you just purchased, you will need a building permit. The job of this permit is to ensure that the town allows the work and it is safe to pursue, and is suitable for space. This may also include electrical and plumbing permits.

In conclusion, getting permits and licenses isn’t something you can skip. These are essential for running the business and building trust with your customers. Make sure to do proper research of the area before you purchase a property there. As a result, you can get all the licenses and permits ready beforehand.

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