Curly Hair Diffusing Mistakes That You Should Avoid

Are you always confused about whether to air dry or diffuse dry your curly hair? It is certainly one of the most common questions from our clients. Though there is no doubt about how Mane Caper’s capes are the best for you, there are certainly many doubts about whether air drying or blow drying is better.

Most people with curly hair seem to despise diffuse drying because they never get it right, no matter how much they try. But diffuse drying has its right ways because using a diffuser has its right ways. So the reason why you can’t get it right is that you’re making some mistakes.

Let me tell you what those mistakes are and how to fix them.

1.Do you start to diffuse drying your hair from the end?

That is one of the most common mistakes made by the curly hair community. You see, when you do this, you are not only disturbing the curl pattern on your ends, you are also not allowing your curls to set. Moreover, you’re encouraging shrinkage of the volume and drying out your ends faster than the roots, which will eventually leave you with frizzy and damp hair.

Just like you should use Mane Caper’s capes while styling your hair, you should also remember to leave the ends of your hair for where they belong: the end. So this is what you’ll have to do. You will first get upside down, put the blow-dryer over your head, and just start hovering it above your root area all-around your scalp. Put the blow-dryer in high speed and high heat for this.

Don’t let the diffuser make any contact with your curls. In this way, without touching your curls and disturbing any of the patterns, you can still let your hair dry out fast and properly! You should refrain from touching your curls until you start to notice a shell forming around it, which is an indication that your hair is starting to set, and it is much less likely to become frizzy.

2.Do you stay upside down the whole time while diffuse drying?

That’s not at all good for your curls! Staying upside down partially can have its benefits for sure, like helping you get the volume in the right area. But the whole time? That’s a big no-no, unlike the capes we offer in Mane Caper.

That’s because when you stay upside down the whole time, your roots too will want to sit like that, so when you will flip up and look at yourself in the mirror, you might appear a bit crazy. Instead, you should try to ensure the highest amount of movement and volume in your roots by keeping them mobile.

Switch your head position repeatedly. Lean to the left, lean to the right, look upwards, whatever you want. Continue to move the blow-dryer around the curls gently. Just make sure your roots are moving around instead of staying in one static position.

3.Do you use your hand while diffusing?

‘Cause if you are, it’s time to stop! When you use your hands, the moisture in your hair, the nourishment of the styling products that you used to hold those curls will start to cling to your hands and eventually separate the curls.

This will disturb the natural curl formation. So the more you touch your hair when it’s drying, the more frizz you’ll end up getting. You don’t want that, do you? So let your hands just mind their business and continue doing what we discussed in the last two points—hovering the dryer over your hair in different positions.

Don’t touch your hair in any way until you’re absolutely sure your curls have fully settled. A great advantage of using this method is that it’s basically the same as air drying because of the low manipulation. Even though you’re using a diffuser, your curl pattern is not at all affected as you’re not forcing anything. All you’re doing is letting it dry faster, ’cause we’re all busy!

As a result, your hair will look very natural despite being dried artificially.

4. Do you want to scrunch up your hair?

You probably want to encourage more shrinkage and a denser curl formation instead of an elongated style. Start crunching after you start feeling a bit of cast in your hair.

To do that, first, you have to style your hair with a holding agent, which will make sure that your curls stay in their forms instead of separating and causing frizz. Then you can just jolt the root area by bringing your hair in contact with the mouth of the dryer just a little.

Do it slowly, and don’t keep the dryer in contact with your hair for too long. Make contact in different areas, starting from your roots and then your ends, push your hair inwards for a few seconds, and then pull away quickly. Focus more on the ends of your hair for this since you want your strands to scrunch up.

Keep doing this until you’re satisfied with the volume you have created on your hair. By now, your hair is probably more or less dry, and the moisture is gone, so you can even start using your hands. Fluff out the curls, make them shine, just like Mane Caper’s capes!

And that’s it! Have you been making at last one of these mistakes this whole time? Well, now you know that diffuse drying isn’t actually going to ruin your curls as long as it’s being done rightly.

It might seem a little complicated at first, but the more you do it, the more you’ll get used to it, and it won’t seem that hard anymore. Since this also takes a while to do, you can sit down and relax while doing it.

Nothing can ever get in your way when it comes to getting beautiful, fluffy curls after drying! Except for maybe the fact that you are not using Mane Caper’s high-quality capes. So why not go check out some of the things we have to offer?