Can Split Ends Make Your Hair Curly?

If you are someone who has hair, there is a high possibility that there are split ends in it. All of us have a fair share of split ends in our hair, irrespective of our hair type, and split ends can sneak in and create chaos in any hair type. But, can split ends make your hair curly?

For those who are not aware of why split ends happen, let me tell you. Our hair is made up of many layers, called the cuticle, which protects our hair from damage. But sometimes, excessive heat, dryness, and chemicals can weaken those layers, and that’s how split ends begin to form.

There are still many myths about split ends that people still think are true. One of those is that split ends make your hair go curly, which is not true. So, our guide will tell you exactly what you need to know about split ends and how to take care of them.

How do you keep curly hair from getting split ends?

As we all know, the best cure for anything is prevention. Getting the right hair care regimen and taking care of your hair can make the appearance of splits less. Here are some tricks that you can use:

  • Be gentle while washing, brushing, or detangling your hair. Try to be as gentle as you can.
  • Deep conditioning is the key to preventing curly hair from getting split ends. As curly hair can become dry easily, keeping it moisturized lessens the appearance of splits.
  • Excessive heat can damage the layers of hair, making it more prone to split ends. So, keep the heat styling as minimum as possible.
  • Try lessening the number of chemicals that you use in your hair, like staying away from applying too many relaxers, high concentrated bleach, and more.

But can split ends travel up the hair if not taken care of?

Can split ends travel up the hair?

Yes, split ends do, in fact, travel up the hair shaft if not taken care of. Once a strand has developed a split end, the damage continues to progress. Split ends don’t have any smooth layer covering them, leading to them catching on each healthy strand. This causes tangles in your hair. Then guess what? More splits.

But, can split ends cause hair to fall out?

Can split ends cause hair to fall out?

Split ends are basically damaged hair that can be the reason your hair falls out. But you have to remember that the main cause is not the split ends but the thing which is causing the split ends.

Usually, we shed 50-100 strands of hair a day. But when you notice more hair falling out and splits are forming too, it is time to change your hair care regimen. At that time, the main thing you can do is take care of the splits first and then build a new hair routine from scratch.

But is it normal for just the ends to fall out?

Is it normal for the ends of hair to fall out?

Through research, it has been seen that stress can, in fact, cause hair loss, more so hair breakage. Telogen effluvium, a type of stress, causes hair follicles to go dormant, and this can cause hair to break off in the middle of the growth cycle.

But hair falls off in both the case of hair loss and hair breakage. So how can we differentiate between the two?

How can you tell the difference between hair breakage and hair loss?

Hair breakage and hair loss can be a little tricky to identify. Many people talk about hair loss and hair breakage like they are the same. But in reality, they are not. Hair loss happens when the root becomes weak, resulting in it falling off. It is a gradual process, so the hair doesn’t fall immediately when the root weakens.

But hair breakage occurs when hair becomes brittle because of dryness. In this case, air breaks off from any part of the hair instead of from the root. The main reason for this is that split ends occur due to lack of care. But can you repair splits?

How can split ends be repaired?

It might sound bitter, but it is impossible to reverse it once you have split. But it is, in fact, possible to treat and smooth the appearance of split ends. How, you may ask?

Cutting split ends

Cutting the split ends off is the only proven method of dealing with split ends. But remember, this doesn’t include pulling or snapping the damaged hair with your fingers or nails. Don’t do it! This will not treat your split ends but do the opposite.

If you use anything but scissors to get rid of your splits, it can cause your hair to be more prone to worse splitting. So go to a professional and leave it up to them to cut the splits away.

Search and destroy

If you don’t want to go to a professional or are someone with a lot of patience, this is for you. In this what you have to do is go through your ends and cut any splits that you might come across. Even though it is a lengthy process, it can be quite beneficial for curly girls.


It is a perfect option for those who don’t want to lose any length but get rid of split ends at the same time. For this, all you have to do is start taking small pieces of hair and then cutting a quarter an inch off of each strand. This makes sure that all the splits are gone.

Another important thing to do while cutting or trimming your hair at home is to use professional scissors. You can further damage your hair if you use blunt or dull scissors.

But what if you don’t want to cut your hair at all? Can you repair split ends without trimming?

Can split ends be repaired without trimming?

While trimming is the best option, some other techniques can work to get rid of split ends. But in this case, you need to do your research and know about the types of split ends. This way, you can know how damaged your hair is and what you need to know for repairing.

If it’s way beyond damaged, then trimming is the way to go. But if not, you can still fix it without cutting. But how?

How do you fix split ends without cutting?

These are some techniques to go for if you don’t want to cut your hair:

  • Go for candle burning
  • Hair dusting
  • Hiding with a serum
  • Hydrating your hair with conditioner or hair mask
  • Using deep conditioner’
  • Trying natural home remedies

Now you might wonder why it is so important to cut splits off? What happens if you don’t?

What happens if you don’t cut your split ends?

If you don’t cut the splits, they will work their way up. This will eventually damage more than just the ends. Not only that, but it will also cause more breakage, frizz, and scraggly strands.

So, how far can a split end go?

How far can split ends go?

If you leave the splits untouched and do nothing about it, it can make the entire strand damaged beyond repair. Not only that, but split ends also make your hair tangled, resulting in more split ends. So, basically, a few split ends can make your entire hair damaged.

But can it lead to obstruction of hair growth?

Can split ends prevent growth?

Yes, split ends can prevent hair growth. Split ends catch onto healthy hair and cause tangles. As the tangle increases, you will face more hair breakage and shedding. That’s what people mean by saying split ends prevent hair growth.

We hope this was helpful! Keep in mind that you can’t stop split ends from forming but lessen their appearance with proper care.

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