
Is A Brazilian Blowout Better Than Keratin?

Is a Brazilian blowout better than Keratin? A Brazilian blowout and a keratin blowout are both very famous hair treatments that are done by people looking to smooth their hair. However, if you want to get treatment for your hair but don’t know which one to choose, we will help you decide.

In this article, you will learn everything about Brazilian blowouts and keratin blowouts so that you can get all the information you need from here. Keep on reading, and soon you will reach a decision soon on what to get and more information about Brazilian blowouts.

Should you get a Brazilian blowout or a keratin blowout?

The aim of both treatments is the same, so it really depends on what is more available for you. You should also consider the ingredients and price points of both treatments to see which you prefer.

Usually, a keratin treatment is a safer option because the Brazilian blowout has harmful chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction to the scalp and also breathing problems. But these problems are only found in people who are sensitive and have problems like asthma. The newer versions of Brazilian blowouts are much safer as well. A keratin treatment also lasts much longer.

A Keratin treatment will last longer, but a Brazilian blowout does not always straighten hair as a Keratin treatment does. Moreover, you can style your hair however you want after a Brazilian blowout, but for a keratin treatment, you cannot touch or wash your hair for a while. So, in the end, it all comes down to your preference and what sounds easier for you.


What is the difference between a Dominican blowout and a Brazilian blowout?

Now that you know the difference between a keratin treatment and a Brazilian blowout, here is a third blowout: a Dominican blowout. Here are the differences between the Dominican blowout and the Brazilian blowout.

Straightening properties

Even though both treatments straighten hair because it is what they are best at, the Dominican blowout will straighten even the most tightly coiled curly hair. On the other hand, a Brazilian blowout will still maintain some of your hair’s texture and shape because it does not completely straighten it out. Both treatments work the same for straight hair, though.

The composition of the treatment

Both treatments perform almost the same way but what the treatment consists of differs greatly for both of them. For the Brazilian blowout, there is a full chemical treatment involved, but not in the Dominican blowout. In Dominican blowout, heat is used, but there is no use of any chemicals. This also means that the Dominican blowout can be customized less, too.

Duration of the process

Typically, since the Brazilian blowout uses chemicals, it lasts much longer than the Dominican blowout. A Brazilian blowout can last for a month or more, but a Dominican blowout will be of the best quality till you wash your hair. However, even after that, the effects can last for a week or two, depending on your hair type. A Brazilian blowout will not be affected by hair washes as much and thus will last much longer.

The process

The process for the Dominican blowout takes much longer than the process for the Brazilian blowout. The Dominican blowout takes about three hours to achieve the same result, while the Brazilian blowout only takes around 1.5 hours. This is because chemicals work much faster than heat, which is also a more tedious process.

How often can I have a Brazilian blowout?

You can have a Brazilian blowout whenever you feel like it. Once you have the blowout, it should last for 10 to 12 weeks, and then you can get it done again if you want to. Once the blowout effect is gone, it will not be noticeable because no line distinguishes between natural hair and chemical hair.

Sometimes the blowout can even last for three to four months with proper care. To make it last longer, you should only wash the hair sometimes and also not use any heat, which can cause the chemicals to wear off quickly. Once you regularly start getting a Brazilian blowout, you can make the blowout last for longer and longer.


Who Makes Brazilian Blowout?

If you are wondering where to get the Brazilian blowout from, it should be available at your local salon. You could also call the salon and make sure that they perform Brazilian blowouts and get all the other relevant information, like the price and duration.

There are many different chemical companies that sell Brazilian blowout chemicals, but there is only one authentic company. Brazilian Professionals, LLC. is the exclusive distributor of the one, and only original Brazilian blowout, so make sure that the salon you go to has their product.

As the name suggests, this blowout came from Brazil, and now it has gained a lot of attention worldwide. Almost all western countries have this treatment, and, in the US, you will find this treatment is performed in salons all over the country.


What to do before the Brazilian blowout

There is nothing you need to do before a Brazilian blowout because the treatment will fix all your hair problems. If you colored your hair before the blowout, it is not a problem at all, and the chemical treatment will fix any damage that the color treatment might have had and also lock the color in.

In fact, if you want to color your hair, you should do it before the treatment so the treatment can fix your hair. Except for that, you should focus on the hair care that needs to be done after the treatment is done and nothing before it. You simply go to the salon with the hair you have, and they will fix it according to your needs, and it will look silky smooth.

After the treatment, you can work out and get sweaty or put your hair up if you want to. This will not harm your hair, unlike keratin treatments. The only thing to avoid is sulfate- and paraben-containing shampoo and conditioner, which will immediately ruin the blowout that you paid so much for.


When should I get a Brazilian Blowout?

You can get a Brazilian blowout whenever you want because it works on every hair type. It is especially good for hair that is rough, frizzy, and damaged all around. It could be after a failed coloring experience or heat damage, and you want your hair to look its best.

Many people also get a Brazilian blowout before a big event, such as a wedding or a party. However, there is no special occasion that should be the only time you treat yourself to this blowout.


Now you know that a Brazilian blowout is different from a keratin treatment and a Dominican blowout. It is one of the most famous hair treatments that you can get.

This treatment lasts for a long time and can be done anytime you want silky, shiny hair. Hopefully, now you know the differences between the Brazilian blowout and other treatments that you can get. Now you can decide what you want to get on your next trip to the salon!

Read more about the Brazilian blowout.

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