Best Barbershop Chairs

If you want to start a barbershop, the most important thing is the chairs. A chair is where clients get their services done, and a chair is where they have to wait for their turn to come.

Needless to say, a chair is something very important for a barbershop, and even a subtle change can make a huge difference. Therefore, finding the best chairs is what we will help you within this article.

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Chairs for barbershop

Firstly, we should look at the type of barbershop chairs that are used around the world. Before buying a chair, you also need to make sure to leave appropriate space for it as it can be bigger than normal chairs! Throughout history, there have been different barbershop chairs depending on the culture and region of the world. Below are the most common antique chairs that you can find.

  • American barbershop chairs: These are the most common ones out there and the easiest to buy as well. The chairs in the 20th century that were made specifically for barbershops were strong, heavy, and durable as they were made with steel, porcelain, and fine leather. These chairs were different from normal chairs for being bigger and being able to recline back for shampooing and shaving. If you want a barbershop chair from the 1980s, you will get an attached ashtray and apron holder with it that doesn’t exist in chairs.

  • European barbershop chairs: These chairs were nothing special; in fact, most barbershops had normal chairs. However, they did start to make these normal chairs in larger sizes to fit the barbershop aesthetic. Whenever they tried copying the American barbershop chair style, it would usually fail. Nevertheless, the chairs that they manufactured were very beautiful to look at, even if they couldn’t function well. If you want this type of chair for your barbershop, you will need to make some changes in the chair and in the shop to make it work.

  • East Asian barbershop chairs: The leader in barbershop chairs has always been Japan due to their high technology approach. If you want to purchase these chairs, they can cost up to $10,000 per chair. Moreover, China, which is known as the biggest exporter of chairs, could not reach the demand for American barbershop chairs. This was because the chairs from China were just too small and needed several adjustments to work. Nowadays, the barbershop chairs from China meet America’s consumer needs, so they did listen to their customers.

Barbershop chair prices

Buying a chair, as stated before, is one of the greatest and most important parts of a barbershop, so you need to keep everything in mind, including the cost of stuff.

Buying antique chairs can cost anywhere from $50 to $5000, depending on what chair you want. Not to mention, there will be an added cost of fixing the chairs to make them work, which can be an added cost of $500 to $1000. Chairs from one place will not cost the same as another. Chairs from Japan are much more expensive than chairs from America, so keeping that in mind is important. You will also have the cost of delivery charges, for this you should pay for the premium services so that they keep the chair exactly where you want it to be, this is because a chair can weigh a lot, up to 200 pounds per chair. Therefore, make sure you have an appropriate budget and consider all the expenses before purchasing a chair.

Second-hand barbershop chairs

Buying chairs second-hand can be a great thing as it can save you a lot of money. But before buying a second-hand barbershop chair, you need to consider some things listed below.

  • Buy it from a reputable dealer so that you know you can trust them. See how long they have been in business, check all their certificates, and talk to their previous customers to make sure you get the best deal.

  • The chair you chose to buy should also fit your barbershop. This means that the chair should go low enough to go underneath the sink for shampooing and shaving purposes.

  • Ensure that the chair you buy is wide enough, especially when it is bought second-hand and antique. You should be able to accommodate your larger clients as well.

  • A lighter chair like European antique barber chairs can easily tip and injure the customers, which can cost you a lot in lawsuits to make sure the chair you chose is heavy enough and has a wide enough bottom base plate not to tip easily.

  • The footrest is one of the important things that you should look for as well. If a customer is not able to rest his foot comfortably, the whole experience will be ruined for them. The footrest should be a perfect size and should be mounted properly.

  • The quality of the product should also be inspected properly, as you are paying for the product. It should have all the screws and bolts in perfect condition with perfect alignment, and the tilt-back mechanism should work smoothly.

  • The chair should not need a lot of fixing to fit your barbershop as it can end up costing you a lot. The chair you buy should meet most of your necessary demands beforehand.

Barbershop chairs buy

Here are some chair options for someone looking for barbershop chairs. It can be hard to look for good quality and affordable, so we are here to help you with your problem.

  • Hydraulic recliner barber chair: This chair meets all the requirements for a barbershop chair. It can recline smoothly, is comfortable, waterproof, stain-resistant, and is highly durable.

  • BarberPub vintage barber chair: This chair has a vintage, retro design that can fit your barbershop aesthetic. Moreover, it has an adjustable headrest, easy height adjustment, and easy assembly after delivery.

  • Artist Hand hydraulic reclining barber chair: The chair has a high-density sponge for maximum comfort. Furthermore, it is easy to adjust, very sturdy and heavy, and is low maintenance.

  • BerberPub salon chair for hairstylists: This chair is unique looking but still very sturdy and stable. If you want a comfortable and durable chair, wide and looks antique, this is the one for you.

In conclusion, having a comfortable chair in your barbershop is very important so you should not compromise on the quality. While focusing on quality, the chair should also be affordable!

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