Are Box Braids Beneficial to Your Hair?

It is very exciting to get yourself a fresh set of box braids. It is a low-maintenance hairstyle that can change and enhance your style. As it looks cute, sleek, and super convenient, so, are box braids beneficial to your hair?

It protects your hair strands and enriches the growth of your hair. But you have to know everything about box braids before you get them. Here are some things you might like to know when you are about to get box braids.

Can Box Braid give you a headache?

Box braids can give you a headache as you tie them too tight. As you already know, hair does not have any nerve or sense. But there are many sensitive nerves connected underneath your hair and scalp.

There is a term called Ponytail headaches; external compression causes it. It can occur when you have tight braids or a ponytail. You may feel the tightness of your braids on many nerves of your sensitive scalp at once. As a result, you will have headaches. 

Why do braids give you headaches?

The occipital nerves and the trigeminal nerves are often affected. It is because of the tightly tied box braids, according to some research. You may not put pressure or compression on the sensitive parts of the scalp because it will result in severe headaches. 

The stylists tie the box braids very tight, which can be a reason to trigger headaches. Ponytail headaches are quite common in patients with frequent headaches and migraines. The headache from box braids can be severe to this kind of person.

Are box braids supposed to hurt?

It is a common misconception that box braids are supposed to cause excessive pain. It may be true if it is your first time getting this style. Also, it can hurt if you are very sensitive.

If you feel excessive pain or pressure, you can ask your stylist to adjust the tension of your box braids because box braids are not supposed to hurt. Your scalp might feel tender from the extra weight of braids, and that is normal. If the pain is worse, then you should report it to your braider.

When to take Box Braids out?

The answer is, it varies for each person. One of the main reasons for getting box braids is to give your strands a break. You can keep this protective style for one month. But you can keep it a bit longer if you want. But do not keep it longer than two months.

It varies on how you take care of your hair if you can take it out if the tension is too much for you to deal with.

How long should you keep box braids in?

You can keep your box braid for two months. If you are doing it for protection and extension of your hair, you can keep it for one month. But if you want to keep the style a bit longer than others, you can go ahead.

When should you wash box braids?

According to the experts, you should wash your box braids every two or three weeks. The box braids may be low maintenance but not no maintenance. Your scalp collects dirt and dry cells. So, you should wash your scalp if you want to avoid having flakes or itchiness. 

As most people keep their box braid for six to eight weeks, you should, of course, wash them. You may think you might mess up your braids if you wash them. But you should wash them to maintain the health of your natural hair. This way, you will help your scalp to breathe.

Are box braids a protective style?

Box braids are the most popular protective hairstyles. They not only protect your hair but also stimulate hair growth. Adding heavy extensions can damage your natural hair and ruin your scalp, so if it feels, you can go for a shorter box braid or ask your braider to adjust the tension.

Indeed, box braids are protective hairstyles. It tucks natural hair underneath and keeps it free from manipulation. The main reason to have box braids is to give your hair strands a break. It protects the natural strands and makes your hair grow in a short period.

What are the benefits of box braids?

Box braids make sure that your natural stands take a break from daily manipulation. Box braids can cause headaches, a heavyweight, and hair loss sometimes. But it is really beneficial when you want to grow your hair fast.

It is low maintenance and protects your natural hair as they add hair extension. Also, it brings a new look that looks both classy and stylish.

Will box braids ruin my hair?

Knotless box braids are popular for a protective style. But it is the hard truth that tugging and tension from your scalp might cause hair fall.

It can ruin your hair if installed or undone in the wrong way. You can feel heavyweight due to the extension. Otherwise, it won’t ruin your hair if you deal with it in the right way.

How much do Box Braids last?

Box braids last for four to six weeks on average. But it is also dependent on how you take care of it.

The longevity of box braids depends on some factors:

  • Personal hair growth rate: The growth rate is a matter of the longevity of box braids. If your hair grows quicker, then you have to redo them more often. Your box braids would last longer when your hair growth rate is less. 
  • Tightness of the braids: If your stylist does the braids, leaving them a bit loose, they might come undone in some days. So it should be neither too tight nor too loose. This way, it will last much longer.
  • Box Braid length: The types of box braids that have smaller parting sections tend to last longer. For example, in micro or thin box braids, the partings are smaller. So the scalp remains more exposed. Thus, you can moisturize them and keep them healthy for longer.

Why do Box Braids smell like mildew?

Your box braids might smell like mildew if you wash them but don’t dry them in a proper way. It is the same as damp clothes when it comes to stink. It can also stench when you do not wash them often.

The parts of hair products and dead skin cells remain on your scalp. If you do not wash your scalp once in two to three weeks, the dead cells and dirt cause stench. Thus, cleanliness is necessary when you have box braids on.

It is a low-maintenance style that brings benefits to your hair. So neglecting it won’t be wise as it can damage your hair and cause an adverse impact on your scalp.

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