
What Is Wrong With Locks of Love?

Before donating to any charity, it is very important to know whether it is a trustworthy organization. Locks of Love is a hair donation and money donation organization that makes personalized wigs for children . But, What is wrong with Locks of Love?

If you want to know if anything needs to be fixed with Locks of Love or not, this is the perfect article for you. Here we will discuss the mission of Locks of Love and any controversy they might have faced, so let’s get started.

Is There Anything Wrong With Locks of Love?

Just like most other organizations, Locks of Love has been colored in some controversies over the years. Some of them have been disputed, while others are still unaccounted for. Here are some controversies regarding Locks of Love. So you can decide if there is anything wrong with Locks of Love.

They Do Not Donate Most of the Hair

Since the organization claims to be making good quality and expensive wigs, they say around 80% of the hair donated to the charity is not actually used in making wigs. So, where does it go? Well, they sell most of the hair to other manufacturers. However, this claim needs to be proved about what they do for hair that is wasted and unaccounted for.

In fact, in 2002, the charity received enough hair to make around 10,000 wigs. However, the company only provided around 170 wigs to people in need. That means over 90% of the hair was unused and unaccounted for.

They Do Not Spend All the Donations

Locks of Love is a very well-known charity that a lot of people have endorsed, so they get a lot of money as well. However, since the company only donates a handful of hair, most of the money is used for other expenses of the company.

It is said that from 2001 to 2006, the company made $1.9 million selling hair to third parties.  It received an additional $3.4 million in donations that were not used in wig-making. This money is used for the manufacturing process as well as to raise more funds for the company. In 2015, the total expense for the organization was $1,389,468 and out of this efficiency or the funds directed towards the main cause of making wigs was 35.9%. Therefore, the company might need to be more clear on how they spend the money or how much they make from excessively unused hair.

It Might Be a Waste

As mentioned above, most of the donated hair is not used for wig-making. If someone donates their hair in hopes of providing wigs for someone in need, it might not actually fulfill this purpose. Their hair could end up in some wig but not for people in need.

Moreover, other small charities also accept hair donations, but since Locks of Love is the biggest charity for this purpose, they need more funds. Since other organizations need more money or hair, they cannot reach as many people as they want to. These companies donate more wigs than Locks of Love; your hair is useful.

They Do Not Support Everyone

It is listed on the website that Locks of Love helps make wigs for patients with cancer, alopecia, burns, and other medical conditions. However, this might be only partially true.

You see, the aim of the company is to provide wigs for people whose hair loss is more permanent. And when it comes to cancer patients, charity organizations do not think hair loss is permanent enough. Since these patients can grow their hair back after the treatment, most of the hair and donations only go towards people with permanent alopecia or are burn victims. Of course, there might be some exceptions, but on the whole, this is the case.


What Is the Locks of Love Mission?

Every charity organization has a different mission and aim with which they operate their businesses. Although Locks of Love has many problems, they help many children all year round to get good quality wigs until they turn 21.

The main aim of the charity organization is to provide every child and young adult with wigs due to medical causes. It can be any medical cause that leads to the person losing all their hair and trying to fit in. Hair is an important part of one’s identity, so losing hair takes work. Most children that suffer from such conditions are bullied and lose a sense of normalcy. Thus, these wigs help them feel more like themselves and more normal and not be a victim of bullying.

Moreover, most of the wigs that are found on the market are made for adults, as kids usually do not wear wigs. Therefore, Locks of Love is dedicated to making wigs for the younger generation.  Also, these store-bought wigs have double-sided tape or glue, which can seriously irritate a child’s head. This is why the Locks of Love wigs are made to securely fit each child’s head so they can do normal activities.


Is Locks of Love Under Investigation?

Nope, Locks of Love is not currently under investigation. However, in 2013, the charity organization was involved in a $6 million dispute. This is because it was claimed that the organization had %6 million worth of hair that did not turn into wigs and was unaccounted for.

However, this lawsuit did not go anywhere. Ever since that, the organization has not been involved in any disputes or under investigation.


Is Locks of Love a Good Organization?

This really depends on what you see as a good organization. Just like most places, the company has its good and bad sides. They reject most of the hair due to not meeting quality standards, but they also help many children feel beautiful again.

If you do not want your hair to be resold and used in some unknown way, it is best to give them a cash donation. In this case, at least you will be sure that the money is being used for a good cause. Of course, if you want to avoid choosing Locks of Love, many other charity organizations also accept hair donations and might not be that strict with their hair guidelines.


Is Locks of Love in a Lawsuit?

No, as mentioned above, the organization is not under any lawsuit at this point. At least not any lawsuit that the public is aware of.


Is Locks of Love Legit?

This, again, depends on what type of organization you want to support. If you want to be sure that Locks of Love provides free customized wigs for children and young adults, it does. However, it takes work to get your hair selected too.

It is a charity and nonprofit organization. You will not have to pay any taxes while donating to the organization. You should do so if you truly believe you can help a child through this organization. It is, after all, one of the best-known charities out there.


Now you know the things that might be wrong with Locks of Love and their aims and mission towards helping people. If you think the company is legit and has a good cause, you should donate to it. Of course, all companies have their bad sides as well as good sides. This article was a very useful source of information.

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