How to Obtain a Barber License in Canada and Australia?

Canada and Australia have a high demand for barbers and it can be a very beneficial job with the right steps. Moreover, even foreign barbers can move over to Canada and get permanent residency. So, overall this country is great for barbers and here is how to obtain a barber license in Canada and Australia?

In this article, you will learn how to get a barber license in Ontario, Alberta, Australia, BC, and Quebec. You have to complete a certain amount of education and pass the exam to be able to get a license in any part of Canada.

How to get a barber license in Ontario?

Ontario is a Canadian province that borders the United States and it consists of Canada’s capital, Ottawa. There are a lot of job opportunities in Ontario with proper education. Here is how to get a barber license in Ontario.

Interestingly, there is no such thing as an Ontario barber license and if you find one not only will it be really expensive but also illegal. Does that mean that barbers don’t need a license here? Yes, they do! Here is how you’ll be able to work as a barber in Ontario. First of all, you need to complete an approved diploma program for at least 1,500 which will teach you all the necessary skills. After completing your course and graduating, you will have to train under a licensed barber as an apprenticeship, this is very important and you can’t skip this step.

Now, you have to register your apprenticeship status at your local MTCU office and keep on working for at least 2,000 more hours. To become a barber in Ontario, you need at least 3,500 hours of education. It has written, practical, and training included. After this, you can finally sit for the Qualifications Assessment Examination which you have to pass by getting at least 70% and if you don’t you can only retake the exam 3 times. Before the exam, you will have to pay $100. Now, you are a certified barber and a part of the public record so your name is easily searchable on the public register.

Requirements for becoming a barber in Ontario

There are some requirements for becoming a barber in Ontario that need to be fulfilled if you want to work as a barber here. Of course, you will have to complete at least 2 years of education to be eligible for the exam and work here, but there are some other requirements as well.

First of all, it is very important to have some secondary school education although there is no age requirement as far as we know. There are not any other important requirements, except for having adequate training and education. In addition to that, you can also get a trade certificate as a barber and even a Red Seal endorsement after completing the Red Seal examination. This Red Seal will allow you to work as a hairdresser or barber in any province of Canada. There are many options for barbers in Ontario and very few requirements!

How to obtain a barber license in Alberta

Another Canadian province has a high requirement for barbers with lots of beautiful landmarks. So, how to obtain a barber license in Alberta? There are some courses that need to be finished and some training that needs to be completed; however, overall it is easy to get a license here.

There is no official barbering license in Alberta; you will need to have a hairdressing license instead of a training program. However, there are some colleges that can teach you the art of barbering such as hair cutting, shaving, hot shaving treatments, and other such courses. Studying in these colleges is not necessary at all, but it will help you with the apprenticeship. These colleges will help you in the apprenticeship program which will officially make you a barber.

Here, you will need to complete at least 2 years of apprenticeship under a trained barber. To apply for an apprenticeship, you have to pass an entry-level exam and graduate high school. Once you get the license you have to keep it renewed by proving that you worked for at least 1,600 hours per year. Before updating the license you will also have to complete 10 hours of continuous education. As you can see, it is pretty easy to become a barber in Alberta.

Jobs as a barber in Canada

Jobs as a barber in Canada are just like any other job. You can work in many places and even start your own business if you want to.

The most common way of working is to freelance by renting a chair in a salon where you can work as an independent barber. All you have to do is pay a small rent for the chair. You can also start a barbering business; however, this will require much more money. There is also an option of working a typical job by getting employed by a barbershop; in this, you will get a fixed salary. That’s not it, as there are some other working options too that you can figure out with the employer.

How to get a barber license in Australia

Now, let’s move out of Canada for a bit, and learn how to get a barber license in Australia. This will help you compare the differences and similarities between the two countries when it comes to becoming a barber. Before getting a license, you should have completed Year 10 or equivalent and are at least 15 years old.

To become a barber here, you have to go to a barbers training academy where either you can do a course only in barbering or do a cosmetology course that also specializes in barbering. Nevertheless, after getting a certificate, a diploma, and a license you can start working as a barber in Australia. The education should take anywhere from 1 year to 3 years. It is very important to complete an apprenticeship for a couple of years under a licensed barber as well, during the apprenticeship, you will be getting paid.

After you graduate, you will be able to work as a barber here. Most barbers keep on studying to learn new things or specialize in different specific jobs, this will help you get better jobs and earn more. The pay for barbers starts at $20 an hour for barbers who are learning a lot more once they become experienced. Needless to say, this job depends on training, the more you train the greater the chance of you earning more money.

Do you need a license to cut hair in Australia?

Although having a license means you have more experience, do you need a license to cut hair in Australia? Well, the answer is no. It is not necessary to have a license to work as a barber or hairdresser in Australia.

Right now you don’t need a license however that can change in the future. This is because many people are talking about the lack of regulation in the barbering and hairdressing industry. This is disadvantageous to both the clients and barbers. So, if you want to gain experience in the trade without having to spend too much money, becoming a barber right now is an easy and hassle-free option.

How to obtain a barber license in BC?

British Colombia is a province that is the westernmost and it is known for its beautiful landmarks. That’s not the only thing that attracts people as working here can be very beneficial as well. The place has friendly people and plenty of job opportunities, so here is how to obtain a barber license in BC.

It is actually very easy to become a barber in British Columbia. You just need a little bit of education to pass the exam. To prove your experience, you need at least 400 hours of barber school education or 1000 hours of apprenticeship. You can even have both, which will be more helpful in the long term. Although this profession is not regulated and you don’t really need to pass an exam, there is The British Columbia Barber’s Association.

Passing from here will help your career. It is because people will trust a certified barber more than the one that does not have any license. Moreover, you will need to keep updating this certificate every 3 years to prove you can still work and are following the regulations.

How to get a barber license in Quebec?

Just like most parts of Canada, Quebec also has a demand for barbers. The main tasks of a barber are to perform haircuts, shave, stay sanitized, and much more. The education requirements for Quebec are the same as Ontario, so here is how to get a barber license in Quebec.

First of all, you need to complete at least two years of education and apprenticeship to be eligible for the license exam. In this exam, you have both a written and practical section which you have to pass by getting at least 70%. You can become a barber with an apprenticeship only but it will require more hours. You don’t always need a license to work as a barber, especially when working in a salon and not freelancing.

In conclusion, becoming a barber in Canada and Australia is much easier than in America. However, it is still a very important trade that requires knowledge on how to properly work. If you are passionate enough, you can easily earn a lot of money as a barber as well.

Read to know how to get a barber license in some states of the USA.

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