How to cut your hair when it’s curly?

Cutting hair is hard enough when it’s straight, but how to cut your own hair when it’s curly will be harder? The answer is yes because cutting curly hair will be stiff and not yield good results! So, here are all the problems and solutions for people with curly hair.

As we all know, beautiful curly hair is beautiful, and although keeping it might be harder, that’s the price of beauty. Therefore, keep on reading to find out how to properly cut your hair so you can enjoy all the privileges that people with straight hair seem to enjoy.

Can you cut your hair if it’s curly?

First of all, you must be wondering, “Can you cut your own hair if it’s curly?” Since curly hair is a little more complicated than straight hair, yes, of course, you can, although it will require a little more effort and a little more patience because you have to be more careful with the length of each strand. However, cutting curly hair is much more forgiving as well, in case you make mistakes. You can read more to know.

How should you cut your hair if it’s curly?

The first step is to have really good quality scissors that are made for cutting hair! Besides that, this is how you should cut your hair if it’s curly! It doesn’t matter how coarse or thick the hair is; these are the steps to follow.

  • Keep your hair dry: Although it depends on your preference, curly hair should be cut dry; in fact, you should cut your hair on the third day after washing it. This way, your hair curls will be more pronounced, and the result will be more consistent.
  •  Find the natural position: You then have to find the natural position in which your hair falls by shaking your head a couple of times. After this, you simply tie your hair into four or two sections, depending on how much hair you have.
  • Cut them: Now, it’s finally time to trim the hair. You should stretch each piece of hair forward in the 12 o’clock direction while trimming to ensure the cuts are even and straight. Make sure to start with making small snips, as you can always go back.
  • Observe: Make sure to shake your head after the cut to observe how it looks and to fix small mistakes. If it doesn’t look like you wanted it to, you can always go to the salon as practice makes perfect!

How to cut your own hair when wet?

Let’s say you want to cut your hair wet. What are the differences? How to cut your own hair while wet, exactly?

Well, first of all, you should have dry hair because, unlike straight hair, each strand of curly hair is different, so to get a good end result, you need to keep it dry.

If you wet your hair, it will give a better overall shape to the hair, and you can fix mistakes after the hair is dry. For this method, simply cut your hair after a shower or wet the hair with a spray bottle of water, giving you more control over how much hair gets wet. Moreover, a wet hair cut ends in less frizz, unlike a dry hair cut. Lastly, you have more control over wet hair, and you will be able to trim only a small amount if your heart so desires, which is better than snipping a long strand of hair.

How often do you cut your own hair? 

So, how often do you cut your own hair? Is it different from the time when straight hair usually r needs to be cut? Regardless, it is very important to trim your hair regularly to prevent split ends and damage to the hair.

Overall, you should trim your hair every time you get split ends, as hair is generally hard to comb through. However, the truth is that curly hair needs to be cut more often than straight hair. As a general rule, you should get a trim every 3 to 4 months, which is a good time. But remember, it also depends on your hair length and how long you want your hair to grow. It also depends on whether your hair is chemically treated or not, the length of your hair, and how thick or thin your hair is. So, before deciding when to cut your hair next, consider all of these things and find the perfect timing.

Why cut your own hair?

There are many reasons you might be considering cutting your hair at home, but why cut your own hair? And is it worth it? The following reasons may give you the push you need to cut your hair at home finally. Remember, no matter what, cutting hair at home is a gamble, and sometimes you might win, and other times you will lose. Moreover, a haircut at home will not turn out that great, so you should always go to the salon for a special haircut, as cutting your own back strands is a very tough thing to do. Regardless, here is why it can also be a good idea.

  • Time-saving: Going to the salon, making appointments, and actually going to the salon can take a lot of time and energy. Unlike cutting hair at home, which will take little to no time and preparation, all you need is a good pair of cutting scissors and a mirror to look at the back.
  • Money-saving: Another advantage is the money you will save. On transport, the haircut can cost a lot of money, which can add up to hundreds of dollars.
  • You can control it: If you cut your own hair, you won’t have to tell the stylist that the hair is too short because you will have control over the haircut. Once you find out your style, you can cut hair every couple of weeks to maintain it and get the same result that you like each time.
  • Another skill: Haircutting is another skill that might help you someday, and you can also show it off. It will be a great conversation starter, and you can cut hair for your friends as well, which will surely impress everyone around you.

How do you cut curly hair with clippers at home?

How do you cut curly hair with clippers at home? This is especially useful for men who need clippers to get a nice even cut. Of course, the first step of the haircut requires a good quality clipper that gets the job done quickly and neatly. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Trim the top: The first step is to cut the top of your hair so that they are shorter in length. Make sure to leave some length on the top of the head unless you want a buzz cut.
  • Shave the sides: Now, use the clippers to shave the sides and back of the head. Make sure to keep the top of your hair tied or clipped up.
  • Make adjustments: That’s it, and now you observe the hair cut and make necessary changes where the hair seems longer, and you are done.

How cut your own hair straight?

The biggest struggle is making sure the haircut is straight and not uneven, so how do you cut your own hair straight? Well, by following some tips and tricks, you can have hair that is straight from the back and front.

The truth is that the straight cut is the simplest one, as it is very straightforward. The first step is to comb your hair and make sure there are no knots or tangles in it, and then tie the hair as smoothly as you can in a single knot. After this, you have to tie one or two more knots, depending on the length of your hair. Make sure to smooth the hair as much as possible. The second or third knot should be where you will trim.

Now, you have to hold the open end of your ponytail between your index and middle finger to finalize where you will cut. You then have to make the straight cut using hair cutting shears and open the hair to see any adjustments needed. It will be great to bring another person’s opinion.

Should curly hair be layered?

Have you wondered if curly hair should be layered? Straight hair can easily be layered, but what about your curly hair?

Of course, curly hair can be layered; you just have to find the right style. Not all layered cuts are for curly hair, but the right layering cut will give shape to your hair without bringing it down. This hairstyle also makes your hair look fuller and healthier. Therefore, find a layered hairstyle that will enhance your curls.

Do curtain bangs work on curly hair?

Another question that curly-haired people have is whether curtain bangs work on curly hair. Bangs are a great framing hairstyle that is popular nowadays. Therefore, why do people with curly hair need to stay behind?

Yes, bangs can look great on people with curly hair. Just make sure to have them cut according to your face shape and hair length. Moreover, the bangs need to be longer than those for straight hair, as the hair needs to coil and shrink. If the bangs are light and wispy, they will contrast with your face and look stunning. Make sure to choose a good hairstylist and not do this at home, as cutting bangs can be a little more complicated, especially for curly hair.

In conclusion, cutting hair at home is not the easiest at first, but soon you will become an expert. Cutting curly hair is especially hard, but we are sure you can do anything you set your mind on.

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