Why is my hair frizzy even when wet?

Frizzy hair sucks, regardless of whether they are wet or not. You must have wondered why is my hair frizzy even when wet? However, the answer to the question is pretty simple. Your hair lacks moisture. This may be due to many reasons, and finding the root is the answer.

So, if you want to know more about frizzy hair and what causes it, this article was made for you. Don’t worry because once you know the root of the problem, you will have smooth and luscious hair that everyone will be jealous of!

How do you get rid of wet frizzy hair?

Let’s say that you have this problem, then how do you get rid of wet frizzy hair? Well, the first step is identifying what is causing it and then getting rid of the source. Is it your shampoo? Hair products?, Or something completely random?

The reason for frizzy hair is most probably because of lack of care. Try using moisture-based shampoo in the shower. Follow it up with conditioner and sometimes a hair mask if your hair is very dry. After this, you should always apply a good serum or nourishing oil to the wet hair. Even homemade remedies consisting of aloe vera, shea butter, and apple cider vinegar are great for wet frizzy hair.

You should also take some preventive actions. Like using cold water to wash hair, drying hair using a cotton t-shirt, not washing hair every day, and letting your hair air dry instead of using heat products. Once you identify the cause the straight hair, there are many ways to get rid of frizzy hair.

Can frizzy hair be genetic?; can you be born with frizzy hair?

Now comes the question, can frizzy hair be genetic? Can you be born with frizzy hair? Frizzy hair is a nuisance, but sometimes people just can’t get rid of it. So here is what we found out about the link between frizzy hair and genes.

Hair gets frizzy mainly due to three reasons, damage, environment, and genetics. When it is due to genetics, there isn’t much you can do about it. Usually, curly hair tends to be frizzier compared to straight hair; this is due to hair follicles and hair porosity. You can’t control the shape of your hair follicle, which determines the hair shape of your head. Similarly, porosity which means the ability of your hair to retain moisture, can be high, low, or medium, which is determined by your genetics. Medium is the best as low porosity will not let moisture in, and high porosity hair will take up too much moisture.

However, genetics is only one factor, and if you can control the other two, you might never experience frizzy hair again. Therefore, proper care is very important to prevent frizz even when you think you are genetically disadvantaged.

Why is my hair dry and frizzy after washing?

Now comes the question, why is my hair dry and frizzy after washing? You already know that one reason is genetics but there are many other reasons too. Here are some common things that are causing your wet hair to frizz up.

  • Disrupted cuticle layer: This means that the cuticle layer or cuticles of your hair are not lying flat. This means that humid air can enter the hair, causing it to swell up and get rough.
  • Dry hair: This is not due to one reason but due to many. Dry hair is when the hair needs moisture. Instead of using oils that will lock in the moisture that your hair doesn’t have, you have to use proper hydrating hair products for dry hair.
  • Damaged hair: Dry hair and damaged hair is not the same thing. Damaged hair can lead to dry hair and vice versa. You can damage your hair in many ways, and to solve this problem; you have to get rid of the thing causing the damage.
  • Too much moisture: Yes, you heard it right; too much moisture and protein can also lead to frizzy hair. In fact, protein overload can lead to dry, damaged, and brittle hair which is not only frizzy but also breaks easily.
  • Not trimming hair: Trimming regularly is one of the easiest and best ways to keep slip ends in check. Split ends can also cause frizziness as the split can expand up the hair shaft. Therefore, cutting your split ends every 2 to 3 months is very important.

Why is hair frizzy after a perm?

Perm is a very common hairstyle that can completely change your look. However, since having perm means curling your hair, it can naturally introduce some frizz. However, there can be more reasons for this as well, so why is hair frizzy after a perm?

Sometimes, this might be due to the pillow that you sleep on or because of the high humidity weather. But it could also be due to the following reasons.

  •  Not waiting for 24 to 48 hours before washing hair
  •  Brushing hair and not using a wide-tooth comb
  •  Getting it done even when your hair is damaged already
  • Being allergic to the perm products
  • The parlor messed up the process

Why is my hair frizzy no matter what I do?

Have you read the article up to here and still are wondering, ‘why is my hair frizzy no matter what I do’? Because you have tried almost everything already? Well, here are some reasons why.

The biggest reason is the fact that it is genetic, and you can’t do anything for the frizz. It can also be because your hair is extremely damaged, so you will have to get a proper keratin treatment done to see some difference. Moreover, it can also be because you have gotten chemical treatments like relaxing, perm, dyeing it too many times, and much more. The best you can do in this situation is to wait and keep on moisturizing it or chop them off.

It could also be due to the environment that you live in. As you know, high humidity is terrible for hair and so is UV damage that can cause great problems for your hair and skin. Even too much pollution can lead to chipping off of the outer layer which leads to the inner part being exposed. So find out if this is why you are experiencing extreme frizziness with straight or curly hair.

Can frizzy hair be curly?

So can frizzy hair be curly? Of course, it can. However, it is due to many reasons like the ones mentioned above. In fact, curly hair is naturally frizzy. This doesn’t mean that just because you have curly hair you need to have frizzed though!

This could be due to dry hair, product build-up in your hair like protein build-up, or lack of protein. When curly hair has these issues, it shows much more than in straight hair. Your curly hair can be frizz-free as well, just like straight hair can be.

Protecting your hair from dryness and harsh environmental products is the first step of combating frizz. Next, getting to know your hair is important. Find out what your curls need no matter how long it takes so that you can meet your hair needs.

How do I get rid of frizz in 5 minutes?

Sometimes, you have somewhere to go, and your frizzy hair is just not cooperating with you. In this case, how do I get rid of frizz in 5 minutes? And is this even possible?

To start off, make sure to wash your hair with cold water and use a proper conditioner. If possible, take part in deep conditioning. Then use an appropriate hair serum that will again combat frizz before your hair dries. If, even after these steps, your hair is frizzy, you can use a homemade hair mask before washing your hair. Products like honey, yogurt, and banana are great substitutes for a deep chemical moisturizer. So try that and get instantly smooth and silky hair after just one wash.

Can frizzy hair be permed?

Let’s say you want a perm, but your hair is already frizzy. Can frizzy hair be permed? Will this make your hair worse, or will it be okay? Well, let’s find out.

First of all, if your hair is healthy, perms are safe for your hair; this means that perms are not inherently bad for you. Although you need to remember that perms use strong chemicals so they can interact with hair and cause damage if not done properly. So when it comes to already frizzy and damaged hair, perms are not a great idea. It is better to first fix your hair through deep conditioning and other treatments. After this, you should get a perm done for the most satisfying result.

Why is my hair curly when wet but frizzy when dry?

So, why is my hair curly when wet but frizzy when dry? Well, first of all, you need proper moisture to lock in curls even when your hair is dry.

To make sure that your hair holds shape, you should make sure that the hair is healthy. This again leads to frizz as well. Having frizz is a sign that you should probably get a good moisturizing treatment while also using good shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair. Curly hair is frizzy, and if there is too much frizz, the curls might not even be noticeable. So, get to the bottom of the issue to find a solution that will be helpful.

Is frizzy hair dry?       

Is frizzy hair dry? The short answer is yes. Dryness is one of the biggest reasons for frizzy hair, but it can also be due to many other reasons.

In short, dry hair can lead to frizz, and dry hair can be a result of many things, so dry hair is really not a root problem. Dry hair is another problem whose root problem needs to be found to solve the actual problem. If you have frizzy hair, you have dry hair, but you have to find out why both of these things are happening. Moreover, dry hair doesn’t always result in frizz either.

In conclusion, frizz is a common issue that many people suffer from, and the only way to combat it is by moisturizing your hair and preventing damage. If you take care of your hair properly it will show! 

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