How Often Should Natural Hair Be Washed?

When it comes to washing your natural hair, there are a lot of conflicting opinions. So, how often should natural hair be washed? Some people tell you that you should never wash your hair more than once a week, while others say to wash it more often. Washing your hair once a week may not be practical for everyone. Some people need to wash their hair every day in order to keep it clean and healthy-looking.

But if you’re not careful and over-wash your hair, this could strip away the natural oils that keep your hair healthy. It makes it even harder to determine how often natural hair should be washed without causing damage.

Besides this, it’s important to clean your hair to remove daily debris, impurities, or whatever excess happens to fall onto hair strands. In fact, healthy-looking hair comes by maintaining a proper washing routine.

By keeping these facts, the best way to decide how often you should be washing your natural hair. We have put together a guide on how often natural hair should be washed based on different types of curls and textures. This guide also includes tips for breakage and dying hair process as well as an overall schedule for straightening hair maintenance. We know our information will help keep your natural hair looking the best and shining all year long.

So, let’s begin with how often black hair should be washed.

How Often Should Black Hair Be Washed?

If you have naturally black hair, you require a certain level of maintenance to keep your hair flourishing and healthy. The fact that black hair looks denser and thicker than other hair colors makes having this type of hair more versatile. Any style can be applied to this texture of hair. This type of hair and color also prevents your hair from pollution, UV rays, heat, and it’s easy to clean.

On the other hand, lacking this type of hair can cause premature aging hair and become gray or white. So, it’s necessary to follow a guideline and follow certain protocols.

Everyone’s lifestyle is different; you always have to fit with the adjustment routine you make. The most important thing is to maintain a healthy scalp and keep it moisturized. For doing this once every two weeks, black hair washing is preferable.

But if you live in a humid environment, tend to have a sweaty disposition, or perform a job that can make your hair dirty, you might need to clean your hair every week. While cleaning your hair using shampoo, the main area to focus is to clean your scalp with your hair extended.

So, it doesn’t matter whether you have natural or relaxed hair, but you need to wash it several times a month to get rid of soil and other dirty impurities.

After washing, the most important thing you need to consider is to moisturize your hair. Moisturizers will help both your hair and scalp and produce the natural oil it needs. There is also a balance in how to treat your hair with regard to moisturizers. The obvious question is how often to moisturize natural hair.

How Often to Moisturize Natural Hair?

Many of us believe that it’s easier to keep moisturized through natural oils our scalp produces. Ironically, this phenomenon works quite the opposite. In fact, you should not wash your hair too often. Water on your natural hair will wash away and make your scalp skin dry.

Our scalp is made from sebum and its natural oils. Oils can travel down hair strands and stay moisture and well-conditioned all the time. However, problems arise if you have curly hair instead of straight natural hair.

Because curly sebum felt difficult to travel through hair strands, you have to moisturize your hair externally. Because moisture is very important for your hair growth, it increases hair length and lessens breakage. Plus, it softens hair and makes them easier to manage.

Some people think that moisture once or twice a week is enough, but in reality, it’s not. If you moisturize your hair once a week, your scalp will still remain dry and brittle as there will be no hydration in the scalp regimen.

So, it’s better to moisture twice daily, once in the morning and another time at night. If possible, apply multiple times. There is no harm in using refresher spray moisturizer instead of lotion or cream. Using refresher spray moisturizers can also lend itself to applying deep conditioner once weekly. By doing this, you can moisturize your hair after washing. All of this washing and moisturizing may bring up the question of whether you should wash natural hair every day?

Should You Wash Natural Hair Every Day?

We discussed before if you have natural hair, you can make a routine of washing your hair once every two weeks. But if you have braids, you should wash your hair every 2-3 weeks. A gentle shampoo, cleansing conditioner, or moisturizer cream is better to use. By doing this, your scalp won’t be dry, and you will get shiny natural hair after your washing.

There is another tactic you should consider before settling on a hair wash routine. This strategy is to be used if you are in physical activities and exposed to work outside. Your activities will require you to wash more frequently than usual. Generally, sweat is the main enemy of your hair scalp that causes irritation and can weigh down hair follicles. So, consider using oil, gel to the scalp, and strand with a regular washing system.

Now we come to the point of our discussion of using natural dye in your hair. Is natural dye good for hair? Let’s discuss.

Is Natural Dye Good for Hair?

If you have straight natural hair and think of dying your hair organically. This may prove to be the best decision. Although you will get fewer options, it naturally gives peace of mind because of the natural ingredients. Few to no chemicals are used and made with straighteners that have natural ingredients. All of these substances will make your hair healthier.

But it’s a little bit confusing which hair dye is right for you. Here are some natural dye sources you can consider:

  • Carrot juice
  • Beet juice
  • Henna
  • Lemon juice
  • Coffee
  • Sage
  • Chamomile tea

These dyes are less harsh and more conventional that you will find a viable option. It not only strengthens your weak hair but also produces a generic blondes color that suits you. So, it is a great healthier choice in terms of a traditional chemical-based hairdryer.

Is Natural Hair Dye Bad?

Do you know artificial hair dyers are made of toxic chemicals and affect your body negatively? According to a trusted source, oxidative hair dyes penetrate the depth of the hair shaft and increase the risk of cancer. It can also create blood cancer, bladder cancer, and leukemia.

Apart from this, the chemical dye can cause scalp irritation and damage hair. So, this natural dye is one of the best alternative hair dyes.

Is Our Natural Hair Dye Safe?

Natural hair dye is not bad, and it’s completely safe to use. The question is, how will you choose non-toxic hair dye gentle alternatives. It’s pretty simple, actually, but it does require a bit of trust in the labeling, by looking at the ingredients label of any shampoo, conditioner bottle and choose ammonia and phenylenediamine (PPD) free shampoo.

By doing so, you can safely use any semi-permanent color, temporary gels, and even hydrating glosses for your hair. While using a hairdryer, you can think of styling up your hair with a flat iron pattern. The combination of both burst out on any occasion. So, if you are thinking of straightening your hair, how often should you do that?

Will Straightening Natural Hair Damage It?

Of course not. If you can maintain a rule of thumb similar to the one we used after coloring. The straightening of natural hair won’t damage it, but this must be done quickly in order to prevent damage.

What happens when you straighten your hair. When blowing out or silk press, your hair will reduce exposure to heat. To get the flat iron hair result, you have to iron your hair by following a strict technique. In order to prevent damage and breakage, you must press the minimum amount of heat and do ironing frequently. We recommend not to apply direct heat to your hair in order to prevent damage. Heat is the enemy here.

How Often Can Natural Hair Be Straightened?

According to the Powell statement, “You should not iron your hair more than once in a month.” Especially if you have colored hair and if you want to prevent unnecessary damages.

But is breakage normal in natural hair?

Is Breakage Normal in Natural Hair?

“Breakage” is itself is a painful word when it comes to hair.  Whether your hair is worn down when you wash, or you can’t detangle it after your wash. These conditions are ideal for hair breakage.

Due to this, you will lose your length and a small portion of hair remaining on the scalp. It is similar to shredding and hair loss because the hair will be shorter due to the breakage.

How Much is Natural Hair Breakage Normal? What Amount of Hair Breakage is Normal?

Hair breakage is not at all good for hair growth, but unfortunately, it’s unavoidable. According to the American Dermatologists, per day, 50 to 100 hair loss is normal. People with longer hair can even find the breakage problem more.

So, as long you get up early in the morning, don’t feel bad if you see a few hairs falling every day. Although this may be a discouraging sight, the reality is that hair grows continuously. The loss of several strands of hair daily will not make a big difference.

In this article, we have gained various strategies regarding hair washing, a coloring system, and the reason for excessive hair breakage. We also discussed various methods involving straightening your hair and whether or not it is good or bad for your hair’s health. If you have any questions you want to get answered regarding your hair or hair issues regardless of texture, leave them in the comments, and we will post a blog about your issue.

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