Can Barbers Make Good Money?

Being a barber is a demanding job because you have to be on your feet most of the day styling people’s hair, so it is important to know if barbers can make good money. Of course, any career can be successful if you know the right technique and put in enough effort. Many characteristics come into play if opening a barber or hair salon is on the horizon for you.

So to get an idea of how successful this career is, keep on reading.

Are Barbers in Demand?

Before becoming a barber, you have to know if there is a demand for barbering. A degree and a job can only be rewarding if you can also get a good job and career.

Yes, barbering is a demanding career as almost everyone in this world requires their hair to be styled, trimmed, or shaved. Not to mention men also have beards that they need taken care of, which is also part of a barber’s job. One more great thing about barbering is that hairstyles all over the world are almost the same, which means having a degree will turn you into a universal barber.

You can go anywhere in the world to cut hair for men. You can become a barber and get an appropriate degree to travel to your dream destination! This also works if the current job you have is not as exciting or high paying, so you can travel somewhere else to start over. If you know the proper techniques, you can have a dedicated client base, making sure that you are always in demand.

Are barbers in high demand?

Most high-demand jobs are the ones that the general population absolutely needs to survive. Any job can be in high demand if you know what you are doing! But is barbering considered a high-demand job?

Barbers may not officially be considered a high-demand job, but barbers’ need is increasing day by day. Due to TV shows, magazines, movies, and social media, men are starting to take care of their appearance more and more. They want to look more like the actors and models that they see on the screen. All these lead us to believe that pretty soon, barbering will be a high-demand job.

In fact, it is said that the expected career growth rate for barbering will increase by 13% throughout 2026. Moreover, a lot of salons are hiring barbers with actual on-the-job training, making this career so demanding that to meet the job market’s demand, there are now small courses for barbering that you can do as well. In the end, even if barbering isn’t considered a high-demand job now, it will be considered a one pretty soon in the coming future.

Is barbering a stable career?

A stable job is one that can fulfill the daily needs of your life while also providing satisfaction. To lead a healthy and stress-free life, you need to have a stable career! So, is barbering a stable career?

Barbering is, in fact, considered a stable career. This is because, as mentioned before, you can work anywhere in the world if you have an appropriate barbering degree. This job provides satisfaction because of how fun it is. Every day you meet new people who have new stories to share with you, and you can also make new friendships.

In addition to that, each person you meet is unique, so that each haircut will be different too. If you want their own business, you can even start your own barbershop or salon. This career is also immune to economic fluctuations as no matter how bad the situation is, everyone needs to take care of their routine grooming. If that wasn’t enough, barbershops could give men a completely new look, acting as a cheap makeover. Instead of changing their style completely or getting a whole new wardrobe, they can just go to a barber to try a new hairstyle or beard style.

Do barbers make good money?

Just like every career, earning money is a big part of success. So, can a barber earn 6 figures?

The answer depends on how successful your career gets. Although making good money in this career can be a little challenging, once you get the drill, it can also be very easy and rewarding. On average, a barber earns around $25,000 per year, but of course, this doesn’t include every barber out there. To earn good money in this field, you should do the following:

  • Work hard, a barber usually has a flexible time schedule, but that doesn’t mean that you should only work when you feel like it.

  • Don’t be too generous. Charge people like the salons in your area instead of trying to be cheap unless you can work faster and earn just as much money as someone charging more than you.

  • Make enough tips and know how much you make in tips to keep a record.

  • Have a schedule that is organized efficiently; make sure there are no gaps in your schedule or wasted time. But you should also make time for breaks instead of overworking yourself.

What is the outlook for a barber?

A job outlook is useful when you want to look at the number of people employed in a certain occupation, for example, barbering. An outlook looks at the job employment rate over a period of time, usually from 2 years to 10 years. So what is the job outlook for barbering?

Well, according to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment rate for barbers is said to decline by 1% from 2019 to 2029. However, this is just a statistical prediction and could be wrong. Not to mention, according to other data, it is supposed to increase by 10% from 2016 to 2026. This is merely information that you should keep in mind and not prevent you from doing something you love.

Are barbershops closing again?

Due to Covid-19, a lot of useful services had to close their businesses. Barbershops being one of them caused many people to live for almost a year without cutting, trimming, or styling their hair. After they finally opened, are they closing again?

Well, it seems that in the US, the barbershops are not closing again. Almost all 50 states have normal business schedules now, of course, with masks still being mandatory for almost everyone. People who are fully vaccinated might not need to wear masks in closed spaces, but they are still important. Another reason that barbershops are reopening is because of the increased number of vaccinated people.

Why do barbershops fail?

For a barbershop to work, you need a lot of effort and dedication. But sometimes, even that might lead to failure, so what exactly is the reason for that?

It could be due to a lot of reasons but most importantly could be because people are scared of taking risks. Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith for something to work, especially in this career where everything keeps changing every few years. This also includes not giving up after one or two failures. You also need to be social to meet customer’s expectations of the services you provide. But the most important thing would be the location of where you work!

An important tool needed for barbering or working in a salon is proper clothing for the job. Prepare for your barber or salon job with giant capes or jackets. Check The Mane Caper shop for all your salon and barbershop attire necessities.