How To Tame Frizz

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Why is my Hair Frizzy

Does your hair get all frizzy soon after you dry it when you’re done with your shower? This is a common problem among many of our clients. Lots of clients come to our hairdressers frequently just for that one problem—frizzy hair. No one likes how it looks; it comes off as messy and uncombed even when it isn’t. Those messy strands really make you look like you haven’t taken a bath in days, or you just woke up from your sleep. You don’t have to suffer through that. Before anything else, insist on your barber or stylist use Mane Caper capes on you. Now, to the nitty gritty. How to tame those troublesome frizzy strands and keep your hair smooth without putting any scratch on the volume of it? Let me tell you all the reasons why your hair might become frizzy and how to deal with each of them.

How is moisture affecting your frizz?

1. The biggest and most common reason for your hair to turn frizzy is coming in contact with moisture. When you go from an environment with low humidity to one with high humidity or the other way round, the balance between your hair’s moisture and the environment’s moisture is disrupted, which eventually causes your hair to get bent and become frizzy. We understand how annoying that can be. To solve this problem, we advise applying oil to your hair to bring the frizzes down and also add a bit of that extra moisture. However, keep in mind that the oil should not have silicone because that does not allow hair to equalize the moisture properly. You can also add wax to your hair for a stronger effect. Be careful not to get any wax on your body, though—maybe using a Mane Caper cape before applying the wax would be helpful! Another trick is to dry your hair in the same environment that you will go to next. It’s not always possible since you need to stay close to the hair products you will apply after drying. But if it is possible, then that is a simple method to avoid making your hair frizzy. This will allow your hair moisture to quickly balance out with the surrounding moisture without getting the chance to become frizzy.

Easiest way to tame that Frizz

 2. The way to tame your frizzy hair can also depend greatly on the type of your hair. Our hair type comes in various types and colors, just like Mane Caper’s collection of capes. If you have curly hair, it probably frizzes up quite easily. So what you have to do is first comb out all the tangles in your hair while you’re in the shower. And then you can apply your regular hair products to smooth out the cuticles and add back the moisture that you need according to the surroundings. You can then dry your hair. Do air dry or diffuse dry, whichever fits you the best. Again, if you have fine hair which is becoming frizzy lately, first of all just follow the normal drying process. Make sure you don’t use hair products that have alcohol in them. Alcohol can draw out the moisture from your hair. You can use styling aids to create the volume you want. Use hairspray lightly all over your hair to bring those frizzed up hair down. Having a heat barrier before drying is good, so you can also use something to minimize the heat.

How many Frizz Villians Are There?

 3. The cause behind your frizz can also be roughed-up cuticles, or simply speaking, damaged hair. This can happen for many reasons, like chemical processing, heat processing, using a strong shampoo that over strips your hair, or your hair starting to go gray and thus lacking moisture. You can do a bunch of things to solve this. First of all, be careful of the shampoo you use. As mentioned before, stay away from hair products that have alcohol in them. If you have an oily scalp, don’t use oil-stripping shampoos too often. Another thing to keep a watch on is how you dry your hair. Don’t just come out of the shower and messily ruffle your wet hair with a random towel. Try to use a microfiber towel or something equally soft to dry your hair. Air drying is the best, so do that if possible. Also, try to minimize heat exposure. Sleeping on a silk pillowcase is also effective in stopping your hair from getting damaged, as other kinds of pillows usually put a sort of stress on the cuticles. You can also use a deep conditioner, which is highly effective. But remember to never overuse it because that can be bad; try to limit it to once, maybe twice, a week.

Is Your Frizz caused by you Going Gray?

4. A cause of your hair getting frizzed up might be the fact that you’re going gray. The pigment that starts to lack in your hair and makes it go gray as you age is the same pigment that also causes your hair to start lacking moisture. If this is the reason, then you are advised to abandon all the hair products that you used before your hair started to gray. Try out new hair products and also try new Mane Caper capes. Using the old ones might not be as effective as it used to be before. Your hair could use something new.

How Static Electricity Causes Frizz

5. A lesser common cause of your hair turning frizzy is coming in contact with static electricity. This is when your hair becomes charged and then attracts the other strands and messes it all up. Something that works great for static hair is using dryer sheets. Yeah, you thought it was an old wives’ tale? But just like the capes, we provide at Mane Caper, dryer sheets are actually highly effective. Smooth a drying sheet over your hair gently to stop the static strands. If your hair is straight, spray a small amount of hairspray on your brush or comb—whichever you use—and comb softly. But don’t do this if you have wavy or curly hair. You can also run a drying sheet over your pillow before going to sleep at night. This will prevent your hair from flying away while you sleep. If you pat it down, also do it gently so as to not take away the volume of it. Sometimes, simply adding water to your hair can also work.

So now you know what causes your hair to become frizzy. We also have discussed how to defeat all of these frizz villains. It is important to identify the cause first and only take the steps relevant to that cause. If you are getting frizzy hair for more than one cause, you have to experiment. Focus on solutions for one possible cause before continuing to a different solution. You will be able to say bye-bye to that troublesome frizzy hair of yours! And although you might say good bye to your frizz you will definetly say hello to Mane Caper capes in the process.

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