
Can Hair Products Cause Infertility?

No, there is no solid evidence that hair products lead to infertility. Hair products are for external use, and the ones like shampoos and conditioners are washed off after a while. The only way hair products could lead to infertility is if it was absorbed in large amounts and mixed with the bloodstream.

The rumor about hair products leading to infertility started with a viral TikTok post calling Olaplex, a cult-favorite brand for hair treatment, a reason behind infertility. However, despite the crazed concerns regarding it, the whole thing was debunked quickly.

In this article, we will discuss more about hair products and their safety.

Can hair products cause eye irritation?

Yes, hair products can cause irritation in the eyes if they come into contact. This can lead to itching in the eyes, burning, difficulty opening the eyes, a rapid flow of tears from the eyes, and other temporary symptoms. Usually, no permanent damage comes to the eye due to hair products unless a large amount comes in contact.

There are a few reasons why hair products cause eye irritation. These are:

  • Presence of chemical ingredients: Most hair products contain chemicals that can irritate the eye. For example, sulfates, fragrances, and preservatives As our eyes are sensitive to pH fluctuations and hair products are alkaline in nature, the eyes start burning because of them.
  • Spray-type hair products: Hair sprays and aerosol products are used by many. These sprays can release fine particles into the air, which can get carried and land right into your eyes. This can cause irritation.
  • Transfer of residual products from hand to eyes: Sometimes, you touch your hair after applying products. Or maybe you sleep with your hair covered in a product. While doing this, the residue of the product can transfer to your hands. When you touch your eyes with it, it gets transferred, thus leading to irritation.

But no worries, you can protect your eyes while applying hair products. Just follow these steps:

  • Wash your hands: Make sure your hands are clean after applying any hair products. This will reduce the chances of transferring the product to your eyes unintentionally.
  • Be careful while applying: Try to keep the product as far from your face as possible while applying. Even better if you can keep your eyes tightly shut while working on it.
  • Use protective caps: The best protective measure is to wear a shower cap while shampooing. Or you could just use a cloth or towel to shield your face.


Can hair products expire?

Yes, hair products can expire and have a limited shelf life. This is mainly because they contain active ingredients like vitamins, oils, and preservatives. These types of ingredients degrade over time.

Moreover, exposure to air and moisture can introduce bacteria or other microorganisms into the product, which slowly degrades it over time. Though the product remains sealed, that can still happen during the time you leave it open.

An expired product will not work as well as intended. For example, a conditioner might not provide proper moisture. But leaving that aside, using expired hair products can be quite harmful for your hair. Some expired products can damage your hair in a way that would make it dry, brittle, or prone to breakage.

Moreover, you may experience skin and scalp Issues. Irritation, rashes, itching, or other skin and scalp problems due to bacterial contamination may occur. After all, both your skin and scalp are sensitive to pH changes and must maintain a specific pH range. Anything more or less will cause abnormalities.


Can hair products affect pregnancy?

Hair products do not impose any significant risks during pregnancy. Most of them are generally safe to use in regular amounts, even when you’re pregnant.

Hair products contain a lot of chemicals like peroxide, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, sulfur, chlorine, and such. However, most of them have been proven to be of no risk to the fetus. Some amount of hair dye might get absorbed by your skin during application, but the amount is usually so little that it barely makes any difference.

Hair treatments might affect pregnancy in some cases because there is exposure to various chemicals. However, the risk is higher for those who undergo long-term exposure to these chemicals. Which basically means your cosmetologist has a higher chance of being affected during pregnancy than you.

A study conducted on the matter suggested that women who apply large numbers of bleaches and permanent hair dyes, work more than 40 hours per week in such an environment, or work in salons offering nail sculpting services have a higher risk of miscarriage during pregnancy.

But this risk can be reduced to a great extent by ensuring proper working conditions. For example, making sure the salon has proper ventilation, using protective gloves and masks, avoiding eating or drinking in the work area, and such

Still, if you are hesitant to do hair treatment during pregnancy, you can use vegetable dye or henna. Consult with your physician about the hair products you use and their safety. You can choose to wait until the first trimester of your pregnancy has passed to get any treatment done, too.


When do hair products expire?

The average expiration period for hair products varies depending on the type of hair product as well as the brand it belongs to.

Usually, shampoos and conditioners are good to use for around 2-3 years. But styling products like gels or sprays may last only 1-2 years on average. There might be some brands that expire earlier and some that expire later.

So always make sure to check the label for specific recommendations about the product. It’s always recommended not to use a hair product after its expiry and finish it before it does.


Who makes hair products?

Hair products are manufactured by a wide range of companies all over the world. There are world-famous multinational conglomerates making hair products, and there are also more niche and specialized brands making them. It all comes down to the consumer choice of which brand to choose.

A major player in the hair care industry and a well-known name is Procter & Gamble, the parent company of brands like Pantene and Head & Shoulders. There’s also Unilever, which is the owner of Dove and Tresemmé. You’ll have heard of L’Oréal, too, a French cosmetics giant that boasts an extensive portfolio of hair care brands, including L’Oréal Paris and Garnier.

These aside, there are smaller companies that focus on organic or natural hair care, like SheaMoisture and Aveda. Many celebrities have even launched their own lines of hair products by adding a touch of personal branding. In fact, you can make hair products at home using natural materials, which are also quite healthy for your hair.

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